Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Shapes

shapesa rectanglea trianglea circlea square

Слайд 1

Слайд 2shapes
a rectangle
a triangle
a circle
a square

shapesa rectanglea trianglea circlea square

Слайд 3Let’s have a rest
1, 2, buckle my shoe,
3, 4, knock at

the door,
5, 6, pick up sticks,
7, 8, open the gate,
9, 10, a big fat hen,
11, 12, dig and delve.
Let’s have a rest1, 2, buckle my shoe,3, 4, knock at the door,5, 6, pick up sticks,7,

Слайд 4Местоимения this и these

This is a cat.

These are cats.

Местоимения this и these         This is a cat.

Слайд 5Местоимения this и these

I like this book.

I like these books.

Местоимения this и theseI like this book.I like these books.

Слайд 6Местоимения this и these
What is this?
– This is a house.


are these? –
These are houses.
Местоимения this и theseWhat is this? – This is a house.What are these? – These are houses.

Слайд 7Let’s play!

Ex. 13 p. 45 – describe the picture

Let’s play!Ex. 13 p. 45 – describe the picture

Слайд 8Домашнее задание Р.Т упр. F стр.28

Домашнее задание   Р.Т упр. F стр.28

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