Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Мы собираемся путешествовать (5 класс)

Конкурс 1viontitain promeamgr endekwe geranar duetionalca leponbressi maneci lingveltra tutisiaon nerrtpa alciso

Слайд 1Викторина по теме
«Мы собираемся путешествовать»
Автор: Сулейманова Зульфия Рафаэловна, учитель

языка II квалификационной категории

МОУ «Бишевская средняя общеобразовательная школа»
Апастовского муниципального района РТ

Викторина по теме «Мы собираемся путешествовать»Автор: Сулейманова Зульфия Рафаэловна, учитель английского языка II квалификационной категорииМОУ «Бишевская средняя

Слайд 2Конкурс 1





Конкурс 1viontitain promeamgr endekwe geranar duetionalca leponbressi maneci lingveltra tutisiaon nerrtpa alciso

Слайд 3Конкурс 2
Add the tag endings

1. My sister plays the

piano very well,........?
2. I like detective stories, ……….?
3. It isn’t an interesting programme, ……..?
4. Mary is responsible for the tickets, …….?
5. We are going to invite a group of Russian students, …?
6. My friends won’t miss lessons at school, … …..?
7. You don’t go to school on Sundays, ……..?
8. Peter was nervous at the lesson,…….?
9. My parents didn’t go abroad last summer,…….?
10. We can finish this work today, ……..?

Конкурс 2 Add the tag endings 1. My sister plays the piano very well,........?

Слайд 4Make up the tag-questions with these words
Конкурс 3
1 ……..., isn't it?

2………, won't they?
3 ………, do you?
4 ………, did she?
5 ………, don't we?
6 ………, can't she?
7 ………., does he?
8 ………., wasn’t it?
Make up the tag-questions with these words Конкурс 31 ……..., isn't it? 2………, won't they? 3 ………, do

Слайд 5Конкурс 5
Put these words in correct order to make a sentence.

for, news, I, you, have, some.

2. very, the, runs, sportsman, fast.

3. speaking, is, Anna, this.

4. is, pupil, she, very, a, good.

5. he, how, inviting, people, many, is?

6. students, my , are, friends, not.

Конкурс 5Put these words in correct order to make a sentence. for, news, I, you, have, some.2.

Слайд 61. I can see а ... of children.
2. They are going

to ... .
3. They got an ... letter last month.
4. These pupils will... with the families of children from
English schools.
5. The young woman is ... for the tickets.
6. Pupils will have a special ... programme.
7. They will go to the ... tomorrow.

Конкурс 6

Put in the missing words:
invitation, cinema, group, responsible, stay, educational, travel.

1. I can see а ... of children.2. They are going to ... .3. They got an

Слайд 7Конкурс 8
Look at the pictures and say what people are going

to do.

They are going to ……

Конкурс 8Look at the pictures and say what people are going to do.They are going to ……

Слайд 8Anna and Martin are going to ……

Anna and Martin are going to ……

Слайд 9Jim is going to ……

Jim is going to ……

Слайд 10Children are going to ……

Children are going to ……

Слайд 11They are going to …..

They are going to …..

Слайд 12Children are going to ……

Children are going to ……

Слайд 13Alice is going to ….

Alice is going to ….

Слайд 14Sasha is going to……

Sasha is going to……

Слайд 15She is going to ……

She is going to ……

Слайд 16He is going to………

He is going to………

Слайд 17 -What are you going to do?
- I’m going

to ………………

-What are you going to do?- I’m going to ………………

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