Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Еда: исчисляемое и неисчисляемое.

PHONETIC EXERCISE In the magic garden there are lots of oranges on the green mango tree.

Слайд 1Tasty Treats!

Tasty Treats!

Слайд 2

In the magic garden there are lots of oranges

on the green mango tree.
PHONETIC EXERCISE In the magic garden there are lots of oranges on the green mango tree.

Слайд 3G g

gate,girl,egg orange,fridge

[ʤ] перед e,i,y

G	ggate,girl,egg    orange,fridge [ʤ] перед e,i,y[g]

Слайд 4

How many lemons are there in the picture?

How many lemons are there in the picture?

Слайд 5How many tomatoes are there ?

How many tomatoes are there ?

Слайд 6How many coconuts are there ?

How many coconuts are there ?

Слайд 8How much sugar is there ?

How much sugar is there ?

Слайд 9How much olive oil is there ?

How much olive oil is there ?

Слайд 10How much pepper is there ?

How much pepper is there ?

Слайд 11How many lemons are there?

A lot - много

How many lemons are there?A lot - много

Слайд 12How many lemons are there?

Not many – не много

How many lemons are there?Not many – не много

Слайд 13How much sugar is there?

A lot

How much sugar is there?A lot

Слайд 14How much sugar is there?

Not much

How much sugar is there?Not much

Слайд 15Thank you for the lesson!
Good bye!

Thank you for the lesson!Good bye!

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