Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Secondary Education

The aims:- introduce the systems of education in Kazakhstan and the UK-to explain them useful information about EducationDeveloping:- to develop pupil’s vocabulary and making up sentences ability- to compare education in UK,USA and Kazakhstan- to learn

Слайд 1My Primary School
Teacher: Elikkyzy Aisulu
Form: 7

My Primary School Teacher: Elikkyzy Aisulu Form: 7

Слайд 2The aims:
- introduce the systems of education in Kazakhstan and the

-to explain them useful information about Education
- to develop pupil’s vocabulary and making up sentences ability
- to compare education in UK,USA and Kazakhstan
- to learn new words about Education
- doing different levels exercises which to use grammar structures in a right form
What must they learn:
- to speak useful information about education in oral speech
- to develop speaking habits which is describing own country’s school in English and doing practical work
The aims:- introduce the systems of education in Kazakhstan and the UK-to explain them useful information about

Слайд 3Education
State school
Private school
Junior school
Infant school
Modern school


мемлекет мектеп
жеке мектеп
Бастауыш мектеп
мектеп формасы
көңіл аудару
жат, бөгде
жаңа заманауй мектеп
грамматика мектебі
өте манызды

Education State schoolPrivate schoolCompulsoryJunior schoolInfant school UniformAttend strange Modern school Grammar schoolCore біліммемлекет мектепжеке мектепміндеттіБастауыш мектепбаламектеп формасыкөңіл

Слайд 4Move-қозғалыс,қозғау

get acquainted-таныстыру,мағұлмат беру
Curriculum- оқу жоспары,бағдарлама
Secondary- екінші дәрежелі
Move-қозғалыс,қозғау  education-білімStart-бастау

Слайд 5 My Primary School
My name is Aidar.

I am 14 years old and now I am living in Astana. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. I started school at the age of seven. It was an ordinary school in Almaty where my family lived before. After four years of primary school I went to secondary school. Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study. Nine years of classes are compulsory in our republic.
The primary school curriculum included such subject as Kazakh. Maths, Russian, Drawing, Physical Training and Music. We had also Nature classes. Our school was not an English school but we had English classes which started in the 2-nd form.
Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It lasted 9 months. We had 4 holidays a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. On the first of September we got acquainted with our teachers and had our first lessons. We usually had a lot of homework and it took us 2 hours to do it. If we didn’t know how to do our homework we usually asked the teachers for help. Let’s talk about Primary School.
My Primary School    My name is Aidar. I am 14 years old

Слайд 8Education in Kazakhstan

Education in Kazakhstan

Слайд 9Exercises:
Мен мектепке жеті жасымда бардым. Ол 11 жылдық орта мектеп

болатын. Біздің республикамызда 9 жылдық білім міндетті түрде беріледі. Бастауыш мектепте қазақ тілі, математика, орыс тілі, сурет, дене тәрбиесі, музыка және дүниетану пәндері оқытылады. Бізде оқу қыркүйектің 1-інде басталып, мамыр айында аяқталады. Оқу мерзімі 9 айға созылады.

Exercises: Мен мектепке жеті жасымда бардым. Ол 11 жылдық орта мектеп болатын. Біздің республикамызда 9 жылдық білім

Слайд 10Astana is the capital ___________ Kazakhstan. I started school __________ the age

of seven. Nine years _______ classes are compulsory. Our school year usually begins _______the first ______ September. ________ the first of September we get acquainted ___________ our teachers. IX. Complete the sentences. After four years of _______ school I went to ___________ school. Primary and secondary schools together _________ eleven years of study. The primary school curriculum __________ such subject as Kazakh. Maths, Russian, Drawing, Physical Training and Music. Our school year began on the first of September and ended in May. It ________ 9 months. On the first of September we got _________ with our teachers.
Astana is the capital ___________ Kazakhstan. I started school __________ the age of seven. Nine years _______

Слайд 12Home task. Reading text

Home task. Reading text

Слайд 13Over 10

are excellent

8 – 5 are good mark.

Less 5 are
satisfactory mark.

Conclusion : giving marks to pupils.

Over  10            are excellent

Слайд 14

Stand up,

all of you.
There lesson is over!
Good – bye!
Stand up, all of you.

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