Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Christmas Food (6 класс)

There are several "traditional" meals you can have at Christmas. Every year in December British people celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. That is why they call this time of year 'Christmas' - they celebrate

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Кузьмина Т.И.
ГБОУ ЦО «Бескудниковский»

CHRISTMAS FOOD Christmas Dinner

Слайд 2 There are several "traditional" meals you can have at Christmas.
Every year

in December British people celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. That is why they call this time of year 'Christmas' - they celebrate the 'Mass', or church service, for Christ.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th December, with a Christmas dinner at midday for the whole family.
Christmas is a truly magical season, bringing families and friends together to share the much loved customs and traditions.
During the weeks before Christmas Day, they send cards, watch nativity plays and go to carol services. They put up Christmas decorations in their homes and churches.
In England Boxing Day celebrated on December 26th, is traditionally a time to give gifts to tradesmen, servants, and friends.

There are several

Слайд 3 Christmas Dinner
Christmas dinner is the main Christmas meal and is traditionally

eaten at mid-day or early afternoon on Christmas day in England, and also in the rest of Britain.
A traditional English and British Christmas dinner includes roast turkey or goose, tiny sausages wrapped in bacon and for the vegetarian in the family (there's always one) a nut roast, this is normally served with potatoes (roasted, boiled, mashed, or maybe all three),brussels sprouts and stuffing with gravy and bread sauce.
This is usually followed by Christmas pudding; a rich fruit pudding. Some people like to hide a coin in the Christmas pudding. This may have originated in the ancient custom, in Rome and elsewhere, of concealing a particular object in food. Whoever gets the piece of pudding with the coin in on Christmas day is especially lucky and their "pudding wish" will come true!

Christmas Dinner Christmas dinner is the main Christmas meal and is traditionally eaten at mid-day or

Слайд 4 Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner

Слайд 5 Christmas Cake
Christmas cakes are also very rich and dark and contain

just about every dried fruit you can think of, nuts, glace cherries. They are covered with a layer of marzipan or almond paste and then thick white "Royal" icing made with icing sugar and egg whites.

Christmas Cake Christmas cakes are also very rich and dark and contain just about every dried

Слайд 6 Christmas Cake

Christmas Cake

Слайд 7 Mince Pies
Mince pies were often known as Christmas pies. They are

made with mincemeat – which doesn’t contain meat at all. The "mincemeat" is a mixture of dried fruit, apples, spices, sugar and baked in small pastry cases.

Mince Pies Mince pies were often known as Christmas pies. They are made with mincemeat –

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Mix all the dry ingredients Put into

sterilised jars and cover as for jam or marmalade.
Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark


Rub the butter into the flour
Mix in the sugar and a pinch of salt
Stir the pastry until it forms a ball (don't add any liquid)
You can use the dough immediately, or put it in the fridge for later.

METHOD FOR MAKING THE MINCE MeatMix all the dry ingredients Put into sterilised jars and cover as

Слайд 10http://projectbritain.com/Xmas/ http://www.learnenglish.de/culture/christmas.html

http://projectbritain.com/Xmas/ http://www.learnenglish.de/culture/christmas.html

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