Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Учиться - это здорово!

The lyceum is based in 1990.Results of lyceum are unique. From 2118 graduates of 270 medallists. On the account of lyceum of 9 victories on the international Olympic Games, 147 - on Russian and zone.

Слайд 1
The best educational institution of Bryansk Lycee 1.

The best educational institution of Bryansk Lycee 1.

Слайд 2The lyceum is based in 1990.
Results of lyceum are unique. From

2118 graduates of 270 medallists. On the account of lyceum of 9 victories on the international Olympic Games, 147 - on Russian and zone.
The lyceum is based in 1990.Results of lyceum are unique. From 2118 graduates of 270 medallists. On

Слайд 3The city lyceum is named after A.C.Pushkin.
It is one of prestigious

educational institutions of innovative type not only on Bryansk, but also in Russia
The city lyceum is named after A.C.Pushkin.It is one of prestigious educational institutions of innovative type not

Слайд 4The head of lyceum.
The director of Bryansk city lyceum №1 Antonina

Semenovna Kurasova
The head of lyceum.The director of Bryansk city lyceum №1 Antonina Semenovna Kurasova

Слайд 5Profiles of lyceum.
In lyceum there are some profiles: philological, economic, physics

- mathematical, chemical-biological, information - mathematical, mathematical-chemical, academic.
Profiles of lyceum.In lyceum there are some profiles: philological, economic, physics - mathematical, chemical-biological, information - mathematical,

Слайд 6Equipment.
Four modern cases, allocated with the architecture, with excellent design and

an interior, forty educational offices equipped with the newest means, two laboratories of chemical experiment and the fine House of sports meeting the modern requirements.
Equipment.Four modern cases, allocated with the architecture, with excellent design and an interior, forty educational offices equipped

Слайд 7Traditions of our lyceum

- lyceum holidays: «Day of lyceum» (on October,

19th), «For honor of lyceum» (on May, 25th), «Last call», the Graduation party.

- lyceum week: Pushkin Day, Day of a science and creativity, Day of work and trades, Day of sports, the Open day.

- Annual competition «Lyceum student of year».

- Meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, campaigns in places of fighting glory.

- Charitable actions and meetings of lyceum students and pupils of Zhukovsky children's home.

- Subject decades, scientific conferences, lyceum an intellectual marathon, the Olympic Games, competitions.

- Days of health, military-patriotic and sports actions.

Traditions of our lyceum- lyceum holidays: «Day of lyceum» (on October, 19th), «For honor of lyceum» (on

Слайд 8Welcome to our lyceum !

Welcome to our lyceum !

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