Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему конфликт

Peace and ConflictPeace is laugher like a musical bell,  Conflict is people crying,  Peace is everything being well,  Conflict is people dying,  Peace is a very wonderful thing,  Conflict can be used to pursue peace,  |pursue

we’ll know a poem of a young poetess Sasha Julia “Peace

and conflict”
will talk about our general family conflicts
and also we’ll learn a new grammar rule “Reported speech”.
CONFLICTwe’ll know a poem of a young poetess Sasha Julia “Peace and conflict”will talk about our general

Слайд 2Peace and Conflict
Peace is laugher like a musical bell,  Conflict is people

crying,  Peace is everything being well,  Conflict is people dying,  Peace is a very wonderful thing,  Conflict can be used to pursue peace,  |pursue = follow (syn) Peace is a sound that makes you sing,  Conflict is the least luxurious thing,  Peace is sought after |seek (sought) = search (syn) And sometimes found,  Conflict is punishment,  Paying the price,  Peace is being on safe ground,  Conflict makes people with heart of ice,  Peace you find in your heart,  Conflict tears our minds apart,  |tear = ruin, damage (syn) So remember these words and you'll live well,  Peace is laugher like a musical bell... 

Peace and ConflictPeace is laugher like a musical bell,  Conflict is people crying,  Peace is everything being

Слайд 3word formation - conversion

word formation - conversion

Слайд 4Solve the crossword
1. To stay in a long chain of people

waiting something. 2. Бить молотком. 4. To go on foot. 5. Толкать локтем. 6. Выдавать билеты. 7. Задевать плечом. 9. Остановка. 11. Гладить. 13. Scream, shouting.
3. Смех. 4. Проводить выходные дни. 7. The synonym of the word “dream” 8. Рыбачить. 10. To survive the coldest season. 12. Класть в карман. 14. Сдирать кожу. 15. To look all over something.

Solve the crosswordDown1. To stay in a long chain of people waiting something. 2. Бить молотком. 4.

Слайд 5Reported Speech

Reported Speech

Слайд 9Paraphrase Direct Speech Into Reported Speech
1. Steve: We have never been to

2. Angela: I’m not going to quarrel now.
3. My mother (told George): George, it’s too late to visit the Browns.
4. They: You will have to promise me to finish the matter till tomorrow.
5. Nick: Our teacher didn’t like my answer yesterday.

Paraphrase Direct Speech Into Reported Speech1.	Steve: We have never been to Europe.2.	Angela: I’m not going to quarrel

Слайд 10Thank you!

Thank you!

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