Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Герб Великобритании

A white ribbon or banner Dieu et Mon Droit – God and my Right

Слайд 1Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and

Northern Ireland
Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Northern Ireland

Слайд 3A white ribbon or banner

Dieu et Mon Droit – God

and my Right

A white ribbon or banner Dieu et Mon Droit – God and my Right

Слайд 4
A grassy mound incorporates the plant emblems of Scotland (thistle), Ireland

(shamrock) and England (rose)

A grassy mound incorporates the plant emblems of Scotland (thistle), Ireland (shamrock) and England (rose)

Слайд 5
The Shield
The first and fourth quarters:

three golden lions, one above
the other on a red background
The second quarter:
a red lion on a gold background
The third quarter:
a golden harp with silver strings
is sitting on a blue background
The Shield The first and fourth quarters:    three golden lions, one above

Слайд 6
The Order of the Garter

Honi Soit Qui Mal y

Shame on Him who thinks Evil of it
The Order of the Garter Honi Soit Qui Mal y Pense Shame on Him who thinks

Слайд 7
The Helmet

The Mantling

The HelmetThe Mantling

Слайд 8
The Crest:
a stately lion standing on the

crown facing us and wearing
a gold crown himself
The Crest:  a stately lion standing on the   crown facing us and wearing

Слайд 9
A crowned, gold lion,

representing England

A silver Unicorn with
a gold horn, a mane, beard
and hooves, representing Scotland
A crowned, gold lion,

Слайд 10Thank you!

Thank you!

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