Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Собеседование при приеме на работу

$100$200$300$400$100$200$300$400$400$400$400$300$300$300$200$200$200$100$100$100Topic 1Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5Topic 2

Слайд 1Hundred Dollar Questions
A job interview

Hundred Dollar QuestionsA job interview

Слайд 2$100
Topic 1
Topic 3
Topic 4
Topic 5
Topic 2

$100$200$300$400$100$200$300$400$400$400$400$300$300$300$200$200$200$100$100$100Topic 1Topic 3Topic 4Topic 5Topic 2

Слайд 3
What sport do you do?

$100What sport do you do?

Слайд 4
Have you any previous work experience of any sort?

$200Have you any previous work experience of any sort?

Слайд 5
Tell me about your childhood.

$300Tell me about your childhood.

Слайд 6
What do you expect to be doing ten years from today?

$400What do you expect to be doing ten years from today?

Слайд 7
What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?

$100What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?

Слайд 8
What kind of salary do you expect?

$200What kind of salary do you expect?

Слайд 9
What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?

$300What problems do you think you’ll have in this job?

Слайд 10
What are your strong/ weak points in relation to the job?

$400What are your strong/ weak points in relation to the job?

Слайд 11
What do you enjoy about that job?

$100What do you enjoy about that job?

Слайд 12

What makes you angry?

$200What makes you angry?

Слайд 13

Did you like school?
Which subject did you like least? Why?

$300Did you like school?Which subject did you like least? Why?

Слайд 14

What kind of people do you dislike and why?

$400What kind of people do you dislike and why?

Слайд 15

What do you dislike doing?

$100 What do you dislike doing?

Слайд 16
Have you got any questions for me?

$200Have you got any questions for me?

Слайд 17

How long have you been looking for work?
Are you willing

to work overtime?

$300 How long have you been looking for work?Are you willing to work overtime?

Слайд 18
Give me two reasons why I should NOT hire you?
Give me

two reasons why I should hire you?

$400Give me two reasons why I should NOT hire you?Give me two reasons why I should hire

Слайд 19
At what age would you like to retire?

$100At what age would you like to retire?

Слайд 20
Are you afraid of criticism? Why?

$200Are you afraid of criticism? Why?

Слайд 21
What has been your greatest success and failure ?

$300What has been your greatest success and failure ?

Слайд 22
What do you know about our company?

$400What do you know about our company?

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