Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему My hobby (5 класс), рассказывающая об увлечениях учеников

Hobbies Collecting stampsCollectingdollsReading Playing computer gamesCollecting coinsCinema Theatre

Слайд 1Выполнили: Ученики МБУ Гимназии № 77 г.о. Тольятти
5 «В» класса
Живакин Эдуард

, Бутуров Александр
Учитель английского языка: Городецкая Л.А.

My hobby

Выполнили: Ученики МБУ Гимназии № 77 г.о. Тольятти5 «В» классаЖивакин Эдуард , Бутуров АлександрУчитель английского языка: Городецкая

Слайд 2Hobbies
Playing computer games
Collecting coins

Hobbies Collecting stampsCollectingdollsReading Playing computer gamesCollecting coinsCinema Theatre

Слайд 3My name is Alexander. I’m eleven years old.
Everybody must have

an interest for something or an activity he likes to do in a free time.
I am a numismatist!
A person interested in coin collection is known as numismatist and the hobby of collecting the coins is known as Numismatics! 

My name is Alexander. I’m eleven years old. 	Everybody must have an interest for something or an

Слайд 4 In the childhood my father and grandfather collected coins too. I

liked their collection very much and I decided to carry on the tradition. My father helped me to begin collecting coins. He had several repeated coins and he gave me them. Also my grandmother found several old coins and gave me the stamps.
In the childhood my father and grandfather collected coins too. I liked their collection very much and

Слайд 5 I joined a club of coins collectors and made new friends

who have the same hobby.
Now I can exchange coins and discuss my collection with my friends. All my coins are kept in the special albums. They are divided into different themes. I have a lot of coins and bonds from all parts of World.

I joined a club of coins collectors and made new friends who have the same hobby. 	Now

Слайд 6My name is Edward.
I’m eleven years old.

My hobby is

collecting stamps. When I was a baby, my father began collecting for me. Now I’ve got four albums, I have a bigger collection than any of my friends.
How do I get my stamps? I have never bought a single one from a shop. My father, who works in a big office, sometimes brings me stamps from different parts of the world. And I have relatives in other countries who send me stamps.

My name is Edward. I’m eleven years old. 	My hobby is collecting stamps. When I was a

Слайд 7 
I have a lot of stamps with images of flowers, plants

and famous people. They are divided into different themes.
I like my hobby.
Just as my father collected for me, so I, too, am collecting for my future child.

 I have a lot of stamps with images of flowers, plants and famous people.  They are

Слайд 8Thank you

Thank you

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