Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Family traditions in France (8 класс)

French family France is the only country where so proud of their ancestors. Every Frenchman can easily tell you about his family since the time of Louis. Families love children very much. Children

Слайд 1Family traditions in France

Family traditions in France

Слайд 2French family
France is the only country where

so proud of their ancestors. Every Frenchman can easily tell you about his family since the time of Louis. Families love children very much. Children are not in a hurry to leave home after their majority, and live with their parents until marriage.
French family consists of 2-4 members.

French family    France is the only country where so proud of their ancestors. Every

Слайд 3Family traditions
Despite the fact that there is gender

equality in the country,the man is the head of the family. In the family everything is discussed even the purchase of food.

French moms are not enough to be a housewife, they need a career.
Family traditions   Despite the fact that there is gender equality in the country,the man is

Слайд 4Family traditions

Men in French families often cook,

it is not considered shameful, they do it well. But breakfast is prepared and served by women.
Also men clean the house and they can sit with children all day.
Family traditions    Men in French families often cook, it is not considered shameful, they

Слайд 5Children in French family
In general, families pay great

attention to the individuality of the child, the identification of his talents. French families try to raise an exemplary family man.
Middle-class families in France raise their children more strictly than wealthy families. For example, the Americans and the British allow their children absolutely everything and do not scold them for their faults, the French explain to children how to behave and how not.
Children in French family   In general, families pay great attention to the individuality of the

Слайд 6Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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