Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему: Гиппократ - отец медицины

Став после смерти своих родителей странствующим врачом - периодевтом (в их обязанности в частности входило лечение бедного населения) он много путешествовал по многим греческим городам, а также Малой Азии. Это

Слайд 1Hippocrates “Father of medicine“ преподавателя английского языка Сергеевой Г.П.

Hippocrates “Father of medicine“ преподавателя английского языка Сергеевой Г.П.

Слайд 2

Став после смерти своих родителей

странствующим врачом - периодевтом (в их обязанности в частности входило лечение бедного населения) он много путешествовал по многим греческим городам, а также Малой Азии. Это дало возможность Гиппократу иметь обширную врачебную практику и накопить большой опыт, обобщенный им в виде медицинских сочинений. Часть этих сочинений дошла до нашего времени в так называемом "Гиппократовом сборнике". С особым уважением к Гиппократу относились врачи Эллады и Фессалии.  У Гиппократа было два сына Фессал и Дракон. Они работали с отцом, под его непосредственным руководством и влиянием. Часть работ "Гиппократова сборника" написана ими.  Гиппократ скончался по одним источникам в возрасте 83, а по другим - 104 лет. Похоронен в Лариссе Фессалийской. Местные жители очень чтили его могилу и ещё во II в н. э. показывали путешественникам.  Исторически первой формой врачебной этики были моральные принципы врачевания Гиппократа (460-377 гг. до н.э.), изложенные им в "Клятве", а также в книгах "О законе", "О врачах" и др. Гиппократа называют "отцом медицины". Эта характеристика не случайна. Она фиксирует рождение профессиональной врачебной этики. 
Став после смерти своих родителей странствующим врачом - периодевтом (в их

Слайд 3According to Hippocrates, the good doctor must determine the condition of

the patient is already one of his appearance. Zastivshie nose, sunken cheeks, sticky lips and sallow complexion indicates imminent death of the patient. And now this picture is called “Hippocratous face”. During the inspection of a person Hippocrates notice lips: blue, saggy, cold lips foretell death. Red and dry language - is a sign of typhus. When the language, at the beginning of the disease, point, and then becomes reddish and purple is the color of mischief. In the writings of Hippocrates, became the basis for the further development of clinical medicine, reflected the idea of the integrity of the body; set the stage of the disease; the individual approach to the patient and his treatment; the concept of history; teaching about the etiology, prognosis, temperaments (sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic).

Лицо страдающего паркинсонизмом. Выражение насильственного смеха

признак тифа

According to Hippocrates, the good doctor must determine the condition of the patient is already one of

Слайд 4 According to Hippocrates, all people were divided into four

types according to their Constitution and behavioral in nature. If the body was dominated by the amount of blood, that person belonged to the sanguine. The excess of yellow bile typical choleric, and mucus for phlegmatic. A large concentration of black bile characteristic melancholic.
According to Hippocrates, all people were divided into four types according to their Constitution and

Слайд 5 When in the capital of Greece, there

was an epidemic, Hippocrates was called in Athens and for some time lived there and studied medicine at Erodina. Because he saved the residents of Athens from the plague, using their knowledge about methods of HIV transmission, he was elected honorary citizen of Athens, and was crowned with a gold wreath. The composition of Hippocrates “Prognostics”, is proof of the observation of the genius of medicine Hippocrates. It described a long row of symptoms during the course of the disease on the basis of which you can do favorable or unfavorable prediction about the outcome. Hippocrates already knew the symptoms of many diseases, which currently relevant for diagnosis and prognosis of diseases. Carefully observing disease, he highlighted the different periods in the course of the disease. Special attention was paid acute febrile period, setting certain days of the crisis, the fracture of the disease when the body, according to his teaching, will attempt to break free from nesperennub juices.
When in the capital of Greece, there was an epidemic, Hippocrates was called

Слайд 6In the essay “Diet in acute diseases”, Hippocrates was the beginning

of a rational dietetics and pointed to the need to feed the sick, even feverish, which was subsequently forgotten. Considering the diet, as an additional method in treatment, Hippocrates to this end established the diet in relation to forms of disease - acute, chronic, surgical. His method is successfully used and modified using new scientific knowledge, is used in modern clinical nutrition”.

Hippocrates is one of the founders of the science of human diseases and their treatment. In his treatise “Sacred disease” - as the ancient Greeks called epilepsy, argued that all diseases are caused by natural causes.

In the essay “Diet in acute diseases”, Hippocrates was the beginning of a rational dietetics and pointed

Слайд 7Hippocrates divides the causes of diseases into two classes:
The first

class he attributed diseases caused by harmful influence of climate, soil, heredity.

The second class were related diseases associated with “personal” conditions - conditions of life and work, nutrition (diet), by age. Normal influence on the organism of these conditions causes and proper mixing the juice - health.

Hippocrates divides the causes of diseases into two classes: The first class he attributed diseases caused by

Слайд 9A great contribution to the development of the ancient Oncology made

by Hippocrates. The term “cancer”, believed to have been assigned by Hippocrates tumors-shaped distribution, in the opening in the side of the leg Omar. This, above all, was related to breast cancer. The term “sarcoma Hippocrates suggested for fleshy tumors, noting the resemblance of some of them with a fish meat. It should be noted that this terminology is used in medicine today. In the writings of Hippocrates meet indicate the beginnings of gynecology.  One of the chapters is called “About women's diseases”. In this Chapter, Hippocrates describes the symptoms and diagnosis of displacement of the uterus, inflammation of the uterus and vagina. He recommends and some surgery in gynecology - removal of the tumor their cervix using tongs, knife and a hot iron.
A great contribution to the development of the ancient Oncology made by Hippocrates. The term “cancer”, believed

Слайд 10In medical ethics Hippocrates, put forward four principles of treatment :

to harm the patient; the opposite is to cure the opposite; to help nature;  to spare the patient.

food should be a drug, and your drug must be food. Hippocrates

In medical ethics Hippocrates, put forward four principles of treatment : not to harm the patient; the

Слайд 11Of great importance, in order to preserve the health of Hippocrates

gave gymnastics. He wrote: “Gymnastics, physical exercises, walking have foothold in everyday life of everyone who wants to survive, health, full and joyful life”... “As the cloth hall are cleaning cloth, dislodging them from dust, gymnastics cleanses the body ”.
Of great importance, in order to preserve the health of Hippocrates gave gymnastics. He wrote: “Gymnastics, physical

Слайд 12 Hippocrates died in 377 BC. On the island of KOs

him a monument. For a long time the tomb was a place of pilgrimage. The legend says that inhabited where the wild bees gave honey that has healing properties. The Athenians built him an iron statue with the inscription : “Hippocrates, our healer and benefactor”. Plato, compared with Phidias, Aristotle called him great, and Galen - divine
Hippocrates died in 377 BC. On the island of KOs him a monument. For a long

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