Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Безличные предложения.

timeWhat time is it now?It’s six o’clock.It’s late.It’s time to go home.

Слайд 1
Безличные предложения (impersonal)

Безличные предложения (impersonal)

Слайд 2
What time is it now?
It’s six o’clock.
It’s late.
It’s time to go

timeWhat time is it now?It’s six o’clock.It’s late.It’s time to go home.

Слайд 3day
It’s Thursday.
It’s 16-th March.
It was my birthday yesterday.

dayIt’s Thursday.It’s 16-th March.It was my birthday yesterday.

Слайд 4distance
It’s three miles from my house to the city centre.
It’s a

long way from here to the station.
Is it far from here to the bus stop?
distanceIt’s three miles from my house to the city centre.It’s a long way from here to the

Слайд 5weather

It’s raining.
It’swarm/hot/cold/cloudy/windy/cool /sunny/foggy/ frosty/dark
It’s a nice day today.

weatherIt’s raining.It’swarm/hot/cold/cloudy/windy/cool /sunny/foggy/ frosty/darkIt’s a nice day today.

Слайд 6don’t mix up
It was very windy.
There was a strong wind.

don’t mix upIt was very windy.There was a strong wind.

Слайд 7It’s…….to……
easy/ difficult/ (im)possible/ dangerous/
(un)safe/ expensive/ cheap/ interesting/
boring/ nice/ wonderful/ terrible….

It’s nice

to see you again.
It’s dangerous to go out alone.

It’s…….to……easy/ difficult/ (im)possible/ dangerous/(un)safe/ expensive/ cheap/ interesting/boring/ nice/ wonderful/ terrible….It’s nice to see you again.It’s dangerous to

Слайд 8
It’s true / false.

It’s easy to learn English!!!!!!!!!

It’s true / false.It’s easy to learn English!!!!!!!!!

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