Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Выдающийся Чарли Чаплин (6 класс, к учебнику Биболетовой М.З.)

[ǝ] – banker, actor, writer, singer, producer [ʃn] – politician, musician [ɑ:] – artist, dancer, filmstar

Слайд 1the 16th of October
An outstanding Charlie Chaplin

the  16th of OctoberAn outstanding Charlie Chaplin

Слайд 2[ǝ] – banker, actor, writer, singer, producer
[ʃn] – politician, musician

[ɑ:] – artist, dancer, filmstar

[ǝ] – banker, actor, writer, 		singer, producer [ʃn] – politician, musician [ɑ:] – artist, dancer, filmstar

Слайд 3Charlie Chaplin
(1889 – 1977)
[tʃɑ:lɩ tʃæplɩn]

Charlie Chaplin (1889 – 1977)[tʃɑ:lɩ tʃæplɩn]

Слайд 4Charlie Chaplin was … :

a famous English writer;
an outstanding American actor

and producer;
a well-known politician.
Charlie Chaplin was … :a famous English writer;an outstanding American actor and producer;a well-known politician.

Слайд 5announce [Ənaʋns] – объявлять
competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən] – конкурс
decide [dɩ’said] –

joke [dƷƏʋk] – шутка
win [wɩn] (wan, wan) – выигрывать
prize [praiz] – приз
announce [Ənaʋns] – объявлять competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃən] – конкурс decide [dɩ’said] – решать joke [dƷƏʋk] – шутка win

Слайд 6Decide whether the following sentences are true or false:

It happened before

Charlie Chaplin become world famous.
A theatre announced a competition to see who could act like Charlie Chaplin.
Charlie Chaplin decided to take part in the competition.
He told about his plan to everybody.
Charlie Chaplin won the first prize.
Charlie Chaplin was very upset.

Decide whether the following sentences are true or false:It happened before Charlie Chaplin become world famous.A theatre

Слайд 7Find the English equivalents:

в шутку –
принимать участие в соревновании

в тайне от всех –
первое место –
был расстроен –

as a joke

take part in the competition

a secret from everybody

the first prize

was upset

Find the English equivalents: в шутку – принимать участие в соревновании – в тайне от всех –

Слайд 8Homework:

ex.50 p. 95 -
learn by heart

Homework:ex.50  p. 95 - learn by heart

Слайд 9Goodbye!


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