Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Урок открытия новых знаний по теме Ответственность Модуль 11. Spotlight 11.

Module 3.Responsibility.

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Module 3.

Module 3.Responsibility.

Слайд 3Objectives:
Vocabulary: crime and the law;
words often confused
Reading: text about victims

of crime
Skill ― matching (skimming)
Speaking: a crime story.
Lesson 1. Reading skills.
Objectives:Vocabulary: crime and the law; words often confusedReading: text about victims of crimeSkill ― matching (skimming)Speaking: a

Слайд 4Help your local victim organisation.

Help your local victim organisation.

Слайд 5Eliciting meaning from text
taken for a ride:

came out of nowhere:
bird mess:
reached for:

gambling game with numbered tickets
communicated with
payment for a service
series of actions to achieve sth
amount of money won

foolish person
suddenly appeared
stated an intention to hurt
took suddenly by the hand
be able to formally recognise sb or sth
organic material from a bird’s body
incorrectly/unsuitably named
tried to get
understood a situation

Eliciting meaning from texttaken for a ride: lottery: contacted: fee: process: winnings: idiot:scam: came out of nowhere:threatened:grabbed:

Слайд 6Exercise 2. Answer keys:
Answer Key
1 C (These terrible fraudsters are just

trying to trick gullible people …)
2 D (The police caught them red-handed)
3 A (The attacker just came out of nowhere)
4 E (this has been happening a lot lately)
Exercise 2. Answer keys:Answer Key1 C (These terrible fraudsters are just trying to trick gullible people …)2

Слайд 7Exercise 3.Eliciting meaning from text
out of the blue

for it
4. gullible
5. broke into
6. shaken up
7. wipe it off
8. lately
9. distract

― small/minor
was deceived by it
trusting/easily tricked
got into by force
― in shock
remove it with a cloth
take someone’s attention away from

Exercise 3.Eliciting meaning from text petty out of the blue fell for it 4.  gullible 5.

Слайд 8Lesson 2.
Matching crimes with a suitable punishment.
go to court: burglary,

mugging, theft
pay a fine: pickpocketing
go to prison: bank robbery, kidnapping
get off with a warning: shoplifting
do community service: vandalism
Lesson 2. Matching crimes with a suitable punishment.go to court:  burglary, mugging, theftpay a fine:

Слайд 9Exercise 5/6.
Answer Key
1 A: broken 4 A: find
B: pay B: let

A: confess 5 A: convicted
B: arrested, appearing B: sentenced
3 A: get
B: chased, make
Focus ➤
Answer Key
1 offence 3 illegal 5 sentence
2 taken 4 found 6 witnesses
Exercise 5/6.Answer Key1 A: broken 4 A: findB: pay B: let2 A: confess 5 A: convictedB: arrested,

Слайд 10Speaking. Continuing a story.
Then out of …someone jumped out in
front of

me and started to …me, saying,
“Hand over your purse, or I’ll …you.” I was in
a state …as it was the first time anyone
had tried to mug me. At first I didn’t want to
give him what he wanted, but when he …me with a knife I knew I had to do as I was told.
I held out my purse and he …it from me
and ran away. Luckily, I was able to give the
police a good description of the criminal and
they caught him soon after. I identified him as
the …and he was given a prison… .
Speaking.  Continuing a story.Then out of …someone jumped out infront of me and started to …me,

Слайд 11Reflexion.
Words of Wisdom.
The young man learned that crime doesn't

pay when he was arrested for stealing the bicycle..
Молодой человек узнал, что преступление всегда наказывается, когда его арестовали за кражу велосипеда.

Do you agree or disagree with the proverb , justify your opinions.
Reflexion.Words of Wisdom.CRIME DOESN’T PAY.The young man learned that crime doesn't pay when he was arrested for

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