Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему День благодарения

Who will sweep the floor? That’s something I know.

Слайд 1Helping at thanksgiving Jean Warren

Helping at thanksgiving Jean Warren

Слайд 2Who will sweep the floor?
That’s something I know.

Who will sweep the floor? That’s something I know.

Слайд 3Who will help bake pies?

I’m great at kneading dough

Who will help bake pies?I’m great at kneading dough

Слайд 4Who will pick the flowers?
I hope my mom picks me.

Who will pick the flowers? I hope my mom picks me.

Слайд 5Who will fold the napkins?
I’m very good you see.

Who will fold the napkins? I’m very good you see.

Слайд 6Who will mash potatoes?
I think that I’m the one.

Who will mash potatoes? I think that I’m the one.

Слайд 7Who will taste the turkey?
Thanksgiving’s so much fun!

Who will taste the turkey? Thanksgiving’s so much fun!

Слайд 8Who will greet the guests?
I know it will be me.

Who will greet the guests? I know it will be me.

Слайд 9Because I love to greet
My whole big family!

Because I love to greet My whole big family!

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