Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Преимущества и недостатки обучения за границей

Reasons to Study Abroad

Слайд 1Преимущества и недостатки обучения за границей. 11 класс
Презентацию подготовила:
Сафонова Тамара Николаевна

Преимущества и недостатки обучения за границей. 11 классПрезентацию подготовила:Сафонова Тамара Николаевна

Слайд 2Reasons to Study

Reasons         to Study    Abroad

Слайд 3Reasons to study abroad
Communicate everyday in English
Go sightseeing
Get a certificate

about new cultures

Making new friends

Reasons to study abroadCommunicate everyday in English Go sightseeingGet a certificateLearning about new culturesMaking new friends

Слайд 4By the end of the lesson you will be able:
To speak

about advantages and disadvantages of education abroad
To role-play the dialogue
To practice word-formation
To make-up sentences using conditionals

By the end of the lesson you will be able:To speak about advantages and disadvantages of education

Слайд 5Studying Abroad – Advantage or Disadvantage?
Learning a language better and speaking

with native speakers
Learning about a new culture
Different educational systems
Learn new skills that can help you get a better job
Meet many different types of people and make new friends
Living and studying abroad can be very expensive
Studying Abroad – Advantage or Disadvantage?Learning a language better and speaking with native speakersLearning about a new

Слайд 6Complete the sentences using the Second Conditional
1. If I had a

chance to get an education abroad. . .
2. If I were so lucky to be a student in Oxford. . .
3. If I could make a choice. . .
4. If I had enough money. . .
5. If I made a decision. . .
6. If I worked harder. . .
Complete the sentences using the Second Conditional1. If I had a chance to get an education abroad.

Слайд 8Create new words using prefixes and suffixes
Team 1
Team 2

Create new words using prefixes and suffixesTeam 1assistheartemploypossibleTeam 2successhappyoccupyoccasion

Слайд 10Homework
Write a short essay on the advantages and disadvantages of studying


Thank you for your attention and good luck!
HomeworkWrite a short essay on the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.Thank you for your attention and

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