Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Молодежные субкультуры(10класс)


Young people express themselves in…..musichobbiessportclothes

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Young people
express themselves in…..

Young people express themselves in…..musichobbiessportclothes

Слайд 3Youth subcultures

Youth subcultures PunksGothsBikersSkinheadsHackersRockersHippiesModsRavers

Слайд 4Young people
(join organizations officially registered)
Young Farmers

Young people(join organizations officially registered)ScoutsVolunteersYoung FarmersEnvironmentalists

Слайд 5Translate
to express one`s identity
to rebel against
not to conform to society`s standards

support a liberal attitude and lifestyle
to try out all sorts of options
to identify oneself with a particular subculture

Translatedistinctto express one`s identityto rebel againstrebelliousnot to conform to society`s standardsto support a liberal attitude and lifestyleto

Слайд 6Find English equivalents
Одеваться шокирующим образом
Ярко окрашенные волосы
Протестовать против общества
Отрицать все
Их поведение

и взгляды отличаются от соц.норм
Изменить мир к лучшему
Волшебники компьютерного общества
Не протестуют против родителей
Использовать наркотики, компьютерную музыку
Любят быть в коллективе
Относить себя к определенной субкультуре
Кожаный пиджак
Армейские ботинки

Find English equivalentsОдеваться шокирующим образомЯрко окрашенные волосыПротестовать против обществаАгрессивныйОтрицать всеИх поведение и взгляды отличаются от соц.нормИзменить мир

Слайд 7Why young people join the organizations?

Why young people join the organizations?

Слайд 8
To achieve something in life
To solve own problems
To protect against the

To differ from others
To confirm to society standards

Reasons of joining

To achieve something in lifeTo solve own problemsTo protect against the parentsTo differ from othersTo confirm to

Слайд 9Do you want to belong to any subculture? Why?

Do you want to belong to any subculture? Why?

Слайд 11
ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorized vehicles

identify themselves with

a particular (special) subculture.


ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorized vehicles identify themselves with a particular (special) subculture.Bikers

Слайд 12drug users and rock and roll fans

their behaviours differ from social norms


conform (don't keep) to society's standards

support a liberal attitude and lifestyle


drug users and rock and roll fanstheir behaviours differ from social normsdon't conform (don't keep) to society's

Слайд 13Compare bikers and hippies in Russia and abroad. Use like/as.
A real

biker in Russia has his own values and beliefs___bikers of the USA have.
Some people consider biker in Russia____biker in the USA aggressive.
Bikers in Russia____bikers in the USA have only threatening appearing.
Russian hippie____hippie abroad wear casual clothes.
Russian hippies are considered drug sellers____hippies in other countries are.

Compare bikers and hippies in Russia and abroad. Use like/as.A real biker in Russia has his own

Слайд 14Good points
Bad points

Want to express themselves by having and riding motorbikes


trouble to the city:
Use their motorbikes at inappropriate time
Cause of road accidents
Good pointsBad pointsBikersWant to express themselves by having and riding motorbikesBring trouble to the city:Use their motorbikes

Слайд 15Hippies
Good points
Bad points
Casual clothes
Drug sellers
Have any ideas and principles

HippiesGood pointsBad points?Casual clothesDrug sellersHave any ideas and principles

Слайд 16

Dear Sirs,
We are writing to protest against___________who___________________________________________________________________________________________They___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I request that the matter

be investigated.

(your names)
Dear Sirs,We are writing to protest against___________who___________________________________________________________________________________________They___________________________________________________________________________________________________________These___________________________________________________________________________________________________________According_to_____________________________________________________________________________________________________I request that the matter be investigated.

Слайд 17
Dear Sirs,
We are writing to support____________who____________________________________________________________________________________________If_they_______________________________,_________________________shoud_______________________________________________Besides_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
I request that something be done

to help these teenagers.
(your names)
Dear Sirs,We are writing to support____________who____________________________________________________________________________________________If_they_______________________________,_________________________shoud_______________________________________________Besides_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.I request that something be done to help these teenagers.

Слайд 18Список используемых печатных источников
Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш. Английский
язык. Учебник

для 10-11 классов.  
11-е изд. - М.: 2009. - 351с.
Кузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш. Английский язык, 10-11 класс, Рабочая тетрадь, 2009.
Активные ссылки на использованные изображения

Список используемых печатных источниковКузовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш. Английскийязык. Учебник для 10-11 классов.  11-е изд. - М.:

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