Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Предлоги места (3 класс)


Слайд 1Prepositions of place
Составитель: Лукьянчикова Л.А.,

учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ №27 г. Курска


Prepositions  of placeСоставитель: Лукьянчикова Л.А.,

Слайд 5next to

next to

Слайд 6in front of

in front of

Слайд 7behind


Слайд 8The dish is … the table.
The glass is … the dish.

ball is … the table.
The dish is … the table.The glass is … the dish.The ball is … the table.

Слайд 9The dish is on the table.
The glass is next to the

The ball is under the table.
The dish is on the table.The glass is next to the dish.The ball is under the table.

Слайд 10The lamp is … the sofa.
The box is … the sofa.

teddy bear is … the box.
The lamp is … the sofa.The box is … the sofa.The teddy bear is … the box.

Слайд 11The lamp is behind the sofa.
The box is in front of

the sofa.
The teddy bear is in the box.
The lamp is behind the sofa.The box is in front of the sofa.The teddy bear is in

Слайд 12The mirror is … the armchair.
The toy box is … the

The toy car is … the armchair.
The mirror is … the armchair.The toy box is … the armchair.The toy car is … the

Слайд 13The mirror is behind the armchair.
The toy box is next to

the armchair.
The toy car is in front of the armchair.
The mirror is behind the armchair.The toy box is next to the armchair.The toy car is in

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