Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему The Political system of the UK.

Phonetic exercise Song “Let it be”

Слайд 1Political System
of the UK.

Political Systemof the UK.

Слайд 3Phonetic exercise
Song “Let it be”

Phonetic exercise Song “Let it be”

Слайд 4Let it be

Мудрые слова

Broken-hearted Темные времена

Words of wisdom Разбитые сердца

May be parted Звуки музыки

Hour of darkness Могут быть разлучены

The sounds of music Пришла ко мне

Comes to me Да будет так

Осылай болсын

Жараланған жүректермен

Дана сөздер

Олар айырылуы мүмкін

Түнелген күндері

Музыка әуені

Маған келді

Let it be            Мудрые словаBroken-hearted

Слайд 5Political System
of the UK.

Political Systemof the UK.

Слайд 6The Queen is the official head of the state.

She reigns, but doesn’t rule. She represents the country,
signs bills, participates in different charity funds.

The Queen is the official head of the state.       She reigns,

Слайд 7Her Majesty is “an old tradition”. But the most British really

love her and are vividly interested in everything concerning her family.
Her Majesty is “an old tradition”. But the most British really love her and are vividly interested

Слайд 8Thousands of people come to London to watch her coming out,

changing the royal guard, visit her apartments in Buckingham palace.
Thousands of people come to London to watch her coming out, changing the royal guard, visit her

Слайд 9The executive branch.
The government.

The Prime Minister, the leader of the party

that has won at the elections. He/she chooses the cabinet of ministers, coordinates government departments. Any Prime Minister lives on Downing St.,10. And is officially appointed by the Queen.
The executive branch.The government.The Prime Minister, the leader of the party that has won at the elections.

Слайд 10
The legislative branch - Parliament.

The legislative branch - Parliament.

Слайд 11Two Houses.
The House of Commons.
The members are elected by people over

They make laws.

The House of Lords.
Examines and discusses bills from the lower House. The members are not elected.

Two Houses.The House of Commons.The members are elected by people over 18.They make laws.The House of Lords.Examines

Слайд 12So,
The Queen,
the head of the UK
The Prime Minister.
the head of the


The Cabinet of ministers


are responsible to

The House of Commons

The Parliament

The House of Lords



Executive branch



consists of


So,The Queen,the head of the UKappointsThe Prime Minister.the head of the governmentThe Cabinet of ministerschoosesare responsible to

Слайд 13Bloom’s cube
1 Why
2 Explain
3 Call
4 Offer
5 Think up
6 Share

Bloom’s cube1 Why2 Explain3 Call4 Offer5 Think up6 Share

Слайд 14 Complete the table “Insert”

Complete the table “Insert”

Слайд 16Reflection
What can you tell me about today’s lessons?
What is sensible, useful…?

ReflectionWhat can you tell me about today’s lessons?What is sensible, useful…?

Слайд 17Home task
The political system of the UK-retelling

Home taskThe political system of the UK-retellingGrammar

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