Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Моя будущая профессия Юрист

Lawyer – specialist in law, legal Sciences; practical worker in the field of law.

Слайд 1My future profession Lawyer
Работа: Цейн Анастасии
Группа ПСА-236

My future profession LawyerРабота: Цейн Анастасии Группа ПСА-236

Слайд 2Lawyer – specialist in law, legal Sciences; practical worker in the

field of law.
Lawyer – specialist in law, legal Sciences; practical worker in the field of law.

Слайд 3Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, rights, freedoms, property, interests

of society and state from criminal and other illegal encroachments. They are called upon to fight for justice, humanity, legality, law and order. The legal profession binds servants of the law: Attorney The Prosecutor The judge The investigator Notary Police Labour inspector Counsel.
Lawyers protect the interests of the individual, rights, freedoms, property, interests of society and state from criminal

Слайд 4The task and the necessary qualities of the lawyer The main

task of the lawyer is ensuring the legitimate rights and freedoms. Professional activities of a lawyer affect the interests and rights hurts all of society, so the specificity of the profession requires a person: Compliance Increased responsibility, heightened sense of duty Integrity and high moral principles Logical thinking Emotional stability Good memory
The task and the necessary qualities of the lawyer The main task of the lawyer is ensuring

Слайд 5Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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