Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Степени сравнения прилагательных

Степени сравнения односложных прилагательных Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная степень


Хамитова Земфира Равиловна
учитель английского языка
г. Стерлитамак, РБ


Слайд 2Степени сравнения односложных прилагательных

Сравнительная Превосходная
степень степень степень

long longer the longest
nice nicer the nicest
fat fatter the fattest
happy happier the happiest
good better the best
bad worse the worst
many (much) more the most
little less the least

Степени сравнения односложных прилагательных    Положительная         Сравнительная

Слайд 3Степени сравнения многосложных прилагательных

Сравнительная Превосходная степень степень степень
beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
difficult more difficult the most difficult
attentive more attentive the most attentive
careful more careful the most careful
beautiful less beautiful the least beautiful
effective less effective the least effective
famous less famous the least famous
Степени сравнения многосложных прилагательныхПоложительная         Сравнительная

Слайд 4Put the missing degree of adjectives.

______ the biggest
Fat fatter _________
Small ______ the smallest
_____ shorter the shortest
Clever ______ the cleverest
New newer _________
_____ older the oldest

Put the missing degree of adjectives.   Big     ______   the

Слайд 5 Put the missing degree of adjectives.

cleaner ______
Funny ______ the funniest
Happy happier ______
Good _____ the best
Bad worse ______
_____ much the most
Little _____ the least

Put the missing degree of adjectives.    Clean    cleaner

Слайд 6Describe animals using the example.

The parrot is smaller

than the duck.
Describe animals  using the example.   The parrot is smaller than the duck.

Слайд 7Describe animals using the example.

Describe animals  using the example.

Слайд 8Describe animals using the example.


Describe animals  using the example.           big

Слайд 9 Describe animals using the example.

Describe animals  using the example.

Слайд 10Describe animals using the example.


Describe animals  using the example.        strong

Слайд 11What animal is the fastest of all?
Answer the question:

What animal is the fastest of all?Answer the question:

Слайд 12What animal is the slowest of all?
Answer the question:

What animal is the slowest of all?Answer the question:

Слайд 13
Answer the question:

What animal is bigger:
the tiger or the monkey?

Answer the question:What animal is bigger: the tiger or the monkey?

Слайд 14Is the lion stronger or weaker than the cat?
Answer the question:

Is the lion stronger or  weaker than the cat?Answer the question:

Слайд 15Is the crocodile’s tail longer or shorter than the bear’s one?

Answer the question:

Is the crocodile’s tail longer or shorter than the bear’s one? Answer the question:

Слайд 16Put the missing adjectives. (long, young, big, small, old) Самостоятельно определите, в какой

степени сравнения они должны быть употреблены.

1. The monkey’s tail is _____ than a cat’s tail.
2. The dog is as ______ as a fox.
3. My grandfather is the _____ in our family.
4. Kate is 6. Ann is 9. Kate is _____ than Ann.
5. A mouse is ______ than a cat.

Put the missing adjectives. (long, young, big, small, old) Самостоятельно определите, в какой степени сравнения они должны

Слайд 17Make up sentences according the example.

garden – beautiful - park The garden is more beautiful than the park.

1. new film – interesting – old film
2. students – cunning - professors
3. writing – difficult - reading
4. Jane - beautiful - Alice
5. armchair – comfortable - chair

Make up sentences  according the example.

Слайд 18Put the missing adjectives. (small, kind, big, large, clever, high) Самостоятельно определите, в

какой степени сравнения они должны быть употреблены.

I live in the village of Sosnovka. My cousin Oleg lives in Moscow. Moscow is _____ than Sosnovka. My house is ______, my cousin’s house is _____. I have many pets and Oleg has a cat and a dog. My cat Murka is ______ than Oleg’s one. Murka is clever but Pushok is _____. Oleg’s dog is black and my dogs are brown and white. His dog is not angry but my dogs are the _____ in Sosnovka. I love my pets very much.

Put the missing adjectives. (small, kind, big, large, clever, high) Самостоятельно определите, в какой степени сравнения они

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