Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Who is who? (5 класс, модуль 4b)

Active vocabulary

Слайд 1

Who is who?

Who is who?

Слайд 2

Active vocabulary

Active vocabulary

Слайд 4Is he/she tall?
Has he\she got small nose?

Ask questions as in example

Is he/she tall?Has he\she got small nose?Ask questions as in example

Слайд 5He / She is … (рост и строение тела)
He / she

has got … (черты лица, глаза, волосы итд)

He / She is … (рост и строение тела)He / she has got … (черты лица, глаза,

Слайд 6

Kelly is ……. old. She is … and … . She

has got … …hair, … eyes. She is very ….

Kelly is ……. old. She is … and … . She has got … …hair, … eyes.

Слайд 7

Kelly is 14 years old. She is tall and thin. She

has got long fair hair, blue eyes. She is very beautiful.
Kelly is 14 years old. She is tall and thin. She has got long fair hair, blue

Слайд 8

Describe this person using the example above

Describe this person using the example above

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