Tell about Canada using the chart:
3 The second official language in Canada is Spanish.
4 The capital of the country is Ottawa.
5 There live 18 mln people.
6 In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia.
7 Canada consists of two states and six territories.
8 Machine-building became the first important industry in Canada.
9 Canada’s natural resources are rich.
Keanu Reeves,
2. There are … provinces and three territories in Canada
a) 50
b) 12
c) 10
d) 8
3. Canada is …
a) a federal republic
b) a parliamentary republic
c) a monarchy
d) an independent federative state
5. Canada is very … in forest, minerals and fur-bearing animals.
a) rich
b) poor
6. Official languages of Canada are English and… .
a) Italian
b) Spanish
c) German
d) French
8. Canadian industries produce … .
a) toys (игрушки)
b) cars
c) produce (продукты)
d) clothes
10. It is famous for its … parks.
a) terrible (ужасный)
b) wonderful (замечательный)
c) awful (страшный)
d) beautiful
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