Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Canada (10класс)

Historical Ties1)The United States and Canada have a lot in common but there are some difference2)It is impotant to remember GB influence on Canada3)Canada did not creat its own Constitution until 19824)Canada had a slow separation

Слайд 1Modern Canada

Modern Canada

Слайд 2Historical Ties
1)The United States and Canada have a lot in common

but there are some difference
2)It is impotant to remember GB influence on Canada
3)Canada did not creat its own Constitution until 1982
4)Canada had a slow separation from Great Britain
5)Canada has two distinct influences in their country.The Frence Speaking people and The English speaking people
Historical Ties1)The United States and Canada have a lot in common but there are some difference2)It is

Слайд 3Canada‘s Government
1)Constitutional Monarchy-There is a king or queen,but their power is

limited by a constitution
2)They use a federal system.
3)Government is made up of three branches
Canada‘s Government1)Constitutional Monarchy-There is a king or queen,but their power is limited by a constitution2)They use a

Слайд 4Peace-Keeper
1)Known throughout the world as a peacekeeping country.
2)They are a key

player at United Nations
3)Canada is one of the leading countries in peacekeeping missions for the UN
4)Canada is respected around the world for their role in this
Peace-Keeper1)Known throughout the world as a peacekeeping country.2)They are a key player at United Nations3)Canada is one

Слайд 5Plural Society
1)Canada is a Plural Society.They are encouraged to maintain their

own identities
2)People in Canada are encouraged to maintain the cultures and traditions of their parents and grandparents
3)Immigration has been key to Canada,and many people have come from other countries over the year
4)Americanization is a problem in Canada,as many of the TV shows,movies,and muzic that are popular in America are making their ways into Canada
Plural Society1)Canada is a Plural Society.They are encouraged to maintain their own identities2)People in Canada are encouraged

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