Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Освоение космоса

In the 1880s, the Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky developed the theory of a multi-stage liquid-fuel rocket capable of reaching orbit and flying in space (a space rocket). The idea of ​​a stepped space rocket is completely

Слайд 1The Soviet Union and the USA in their competition to explore

Famous Soviet cosmonauts
Cooperation in space exploration

Space exploration

The Soviet Union and the USA in their competition to explore spaceFamous Soviet cosmonautsCooperation in space explorationSpace

Слайд 2In the 1880s, the Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky developed the theory

of a multi-stage liquid-fuel rocket capable of reaching orbit and flying in space (a space rocket). The idea of ​​a stepped space rocket is completely the idea of ​​Russian cosmism Stages and Tsiolkovsky's formula is still used in the development of rockets. Tsiolkovsky also made the first theoretical description of an artificial satellite.
In 1926, Robert Goddard built the first rocket on liquid fuel.
The first Soviet research and development organization for the development of rocket engines and missiles was the state organization - Gas Dynamic Laboratory (GDL), established in 1921. Until the 1930s, solid-fuel rockets were developed in the USSR.
In the same period, the theoretical base for the creation of a space rocket is being prepared - in 1929 Konstantin Tsiolkovsky's work "Space rocket trains" is published, in which for the first time the technology of space rocket stages is described, which is necessary for the withdrawal of automatic stations or the crew of a spacecraft into the Earth's orbit.
In the autumn of 1931, the Moscow (GIRD) and Leningrad group for the study of the jet movement were organized under Osoaviakhim, uniting rocket enthusiasts on a voluntary basis.
The design of GIRD-X was developed in more sophisticated Soviet missiles, created in 1935-1937
In the 1880s, the Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky developed the theory of a multi-stage liquid-fuel rocket capable

Слайд 4the Cold War
At the end of the Second World War, the

USSR and the United States entered the era of the Cold War. By that time, the United States had a large fleet of strategic bombers stationed at air bases around the world, including around the USSR. In response, the Soviet leadership decided to develop missile technology. Missile and satellite technologies could serve both peaceful and military purposes, and, besides, were a weighty argument for propaganda and ideological rivalry, demonstrating the country's scientific and technical potential and military might. Even before the beginning of the "lunar race" in order to establish dominance in space in the United States, the projects of lunar military bases Project Lunix and Project Horizon with missiles aimed at the USSR, as well as the project of the atomic bombing of the Moon A119.
the Cold WarAt the end of the Second World War, the USSR and the United States entered

Слайд 5the most famous flights into a space
1961 – Vostok 1 USSR.

Yuri Gagarin is the first to orbit the Earth
1963 – Vostok 6 USSR. Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first woman in space
1965 – Voskhod 2 USSR. Alexei Leonov is the first to leave a spaceship for a space walk
1968 – Apollo 8 USA. First manned flight orbits the Moon
1969 – Apollo 11 USA. First manned Moon landing; Neil Armstrong and Edwing Aldrin walk on the Moon.
1975 – Souz 19 USSR and Apollo 18 USA. The American and Soviet crews cooperate in experiments
2000 – Russia, USA and some countries of Europe and Asia work in cooperation and lunch spaceships to explore the Earth and the other planets.

the most famous flights into a space1961 – Vostok 1 USSR. Yuri Gagarin is the first to

Слайд 6The very first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in the history of mankind

went to conquer outer space on April 12, 1961 on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His flight lasted 108 minutes. Gagarin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In addition, he was awarded the "Volga" with the numbers 12-04 SAG - the date of the perfect flight and the initials of the first cosmonaut.
The very first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin in the history of mankind went to conquer outer space on

Слайд 7The first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova made a space flight on June

16, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. In addition, Tereshkova - the only woman who made a single flight, all the others flew only as part of the crews.
The first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova made a space flight on June 16, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft.

Слайд 8Alexei Leonov - the first person who went into space on

March 18, 1965. The duration of the first exit was 23 minutes, out of which the cosmonaut stayed for 12 minutes outside the ship. During his stay in outer space, his spacesuit swelled and prevented him from returning to the ship. The cosmonaut was able to enter the cosmonaut only after Leonov had squeezed out extra pressure from the spacesuit, while he got inside the ship forward with his head, and not with his feet, as was required by the instruction
Alexei Leonov - the first person who went into space on March 18, 1965. The duration of

Слайд 9The first on the lunar surface set foot American astronaut Neil

Armstrong July 21, 1969 at 2:56 GMT. After 15 minutes Edwin Aldrin joined him. Total on the moon, the cosmonauts spent two and a half hours.
The first on the lunar surface set foot American astronaut Neil Armstrong July 21, 1969 at 2:56

Слайд 10According to the number of spacewalks, the world record belongs to

the Russian cosmonaut Anatoly Solovyov. He made 16 outlets with a total duration of more than 78 hours. Solovyov's total flight in space was 651 days.
According to the number of spacewalks, the world record belongs to the Russian cosmonaut Anatoly Solovyov. He

Слайд 11The youngest cosmonaut is German Titov, at the time of the

flight he was 25 years old. In addition, Titov is also the second Soviet astronaut in space and the first person to make a long (more than a day) space flight. The flight lasted 1 day 1 hour, the cosmonaut made from 6 to 7 August 1961.
The youngest cosmonaut is German Titov, at the time of the flight he was 25 years old.

Слайд 12The most elderly astronaut, who made a space flight, is an

American John Glenn. He was 77 years old when he participated in the flight on the ship "Discovery STS-95" in October 1998. In addition, Glenn established a kind of unique record - the break between flights into space he had 36 years (the first time he was in space in 1962).
The most elderly astronaut, who made a space flight, is an American John Glenn. He was 77

Слайд 13The longest on the moon were American astronauts Eugene Cernan and

Harrison Schmid in the crew of Apollo 17 in 1972. In total, the astronauts were on the surface of the earth satellite 75 hours. During this time they made three walks to the lunar surface with a total duration of 22 hours. They were the last who visited the Moon, and, according to some reports, left on the Moon a small disc with the inscription "Here the man completed the first stage of the Moon's development, December 1972".
The longest on the moon were American astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmid in the crew of

Слайд 14The first space tourist was the American multimillionaire Dennis Tito, who

went into space on April 28, 2001. At the same time de-facto the first tourist is the Japanese journalist Toyohiro Akiyama, whose flight in December 1990 was paid by the Tokyo television company. In general, a space tourist can not be a person whose flight was paid by an organization.
The first space tourist was the American multimillionaire Dennis Tito, who went into space on April 28,

Слайд 15The first woman to become a cosmonaut was Helena Sharman, who

flew on May 18, 1991 as a member of the Soyuz TM-12 crew. She is considered the only cosmonaut who flew into space as the official representative of Great Britain, all the rest had, besides the British citizenship of another country. Interestingly, before becoming an astronaut, Sharmen worked as a chemist at a confectionery factory and responded to an appeal for the competitive selection of space flight participants in 1989. Of the 13,000 participants selected it, after which she began training in the Moscow Region Star City.
The first woman to become a cosmonaut was Helena Sharman, who flew on May 18, 1991 as

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