Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Holidays in Great Britain

Magic box

Слайд 1Holidays
in Great Britain

Holidays in Great Britain

Слайд 2Magic box

Magic box

Слайд 3We celebrate this holiday on the 1st of January. It is…

St. Valentine`s day
c) New Year
d) Father`s Day
We celebrate this holiday on the 1st of January. It is…a)Christmasb) St. Valentine`s dayc) New Yeard) Father`s

Слайд 5The symbol of this holiday is Valentine card. It is…
St. Patrick`s

St. Nicholas Day
St. Valentine`s Day
d) St. Mark`s Day
The symbol of this holiday is Valentine card. It is…St. Patrick`s DaySt. Nicholas DaySt. Valentine`s Dayd)

Слайд 7The English people have their traditional dinner with stuffed turkey and

pudding on…

Mother`s Day
b) Father`s Day
c) New Year
d) Christmas

The English people have their traditional dinner with stuffed turkey and pudding on…Mother`s Dayb) Father`s Dayc) New

Слайд 9People in Great Britain celebrate this holiday on the 1st of

April. It is…

a)Father`s Day
b) Easter
c) Halloween
d)Fool`s Day

People in Great Britain celebrate this holiday on the 1st of April. It is…a)Father`s Dayb) Easterc) Halloweend)Fool`s

Слайд 11On this day children go from house to house in funny

clothes and say “Trick or treat?”

a) Halloween
b) Easter
c) Father`s Day
d) New Year

On this day children go from house to house in funny clothes and say “Trick or treat?”a)

Слайд 13The symbols of this holiday are chocolate eggs and rabbits. It


b) New Year
c) Mother`s Day
d) Father`s Day

The symbols of this holiday are chocolate eggs and rabbits. It is…Easterb) New Yearc) Mother`s Dayd) Father`s

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