Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на тему Christmas traditions

Christmas is a very great religious holiday. It is celebrated on December 25 as the birth of Christ. It is preceded and followed by festive parties and marked by special church services. Christmas is a family

Слайд 1Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

Слайд 2Christmas is a very great religious holiday. It is celebrated on

December 25 as the birth of Christ. It is preceded and followed by festive parties and marked by special church services. Christmas is a family holiday. The people stay at home and spend the time with their families. They send cards or Christmas greetings to their friends. They wish them «A Merry Christmas». Gifts are also given to people who do a lot of work for other people, for example, the postman, milkman. Many firms give their workers gifts or extra money for good work.
Christmas is a very great religious holiday. It is celebrated on December 25 as the birth of

Слайд 3 Every house tries to have a Christmas-tree, which is decorated with

strings of coloured lights and bulbs. The presents for relatives and close friends are placed under the tree. Little children hang up their stockings on Christmas Eve. They believe that when they are asleep, Santa Claus comes to visit them. Usually the whole family has a big Christmas dinner, which is distinguished by a plum-pudding dessert.
 Every house tries to have a Christmas-tree, which is decorated with strings of coloured lights and bulbs.

Слайд 4Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom usually consists of bread sauce,

Christmas pudding (or plum pudding), cranberry sauce, roast turkey, roast vegetables, stuffing (or dressing, as it is more informally known in North America).
A common tradition in the United Kingdom is to use the turkey's wishbone to make a wish. A mutual pair will usually pull at the two opposite ends of the wishbone with the person breaking the larger portion of the bone making a wish.
Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom usually consists of bread sauce, Christmas pudding (or plum pudding), cranberry sauce,

Слайд 5Food to leave out for Santa Claus
On Christmas Eve, this is

what I would like you to leave out (not all of them but some):
Barley sugar sweets for me to suck on if I start to feel airsick. Also extra strong peppermints to keep me warm on the frosty nights.
Cookies or biscuits with a glass of lemonade or milk.
Leave a hot jug of cocoa with a sifter of chocolate and cinnamon, and a bowl of punch in case Santa feels like something stronger.
Chocolates! Yum! Yum!
For the reindeer, leave a bundle of sweet meadow hay, a bunch of reindeer moss and a crisp red apple.
Tah! Santa.

Food to leave out for Santa ClausOn Christmas Eve, this is what I would like you to

Слайд 6 Christmas is also a time when Americans do a lot

of charity work. They help the poor, organize Christmas dinners for the homeless. During Christmas you can meet a lot of people in the streets who collect money for those who are in need.

Christmas is also a time when Americans do a lot of charity work. They help the

Слайд 7Thank you!

Thank you!

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