Презентация, доклад по английскому языку на темеWhere is my bag

The aims of the lesson:1) Educational: : Presentation of the lesson Where is my bag? to improve skills of speech activity of pupils the use before the studies lexicon on a theme in speech of рupils

Слайд 1The 5th grade Where is my bag?

The 5th grade Where is my bag?

Слайд 2

The aims of the lesson:1) Educational: : Presentation of the lesson

Where is my bag? to improve skills of speech activity of pupils the use
before the studies lexicon on a theme in speech of рupils
to explain knowledge of pupils on use grammatical the phenomenon

2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop
pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing ,
grammar Prepositions and lexical skills.

3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject,
to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere
in the classroom and to develop friendship.

The aims of the lesson:1) Educational: : Presentation of the lesson Where is my bag? to improve

Слайд 3 Organization

moment 2min a) Greetings -Good morning children? -How are you? b) A talk about on duty -Who is on duty today? -Who is absent today? c) A talk about the weather? -What day is it today? -What season is it now? -What date is it today? - What month is it now?  
Organization moment

Слайд 4Phonetic drill

To find the words

Phonetic drill

Слайд 5

you and we up big
said blue away where yellow

you and we up bigsaid blue away where yellow

Слайд 6 Check up the home task 3min
What instrument can

you play?
I can play the_____________ .
I cannot ____________.

(Pupil’s own answers)
Check up the home task  3min

Слайд 7-

Presentation of the new theme

6 min
Vocabulary work
Question: where?
Prepositions of place: in, on, under. In front of, behind, over, next to

-Presentation of the new theme

Слайд 8Тыңдайды, мысал келтіреді, сұраққа жауап береді
Бас бармақ арқылы өзін-өзі бағалайды
Жоғары көтеріңкі-толық

Бас бармақ ортада-әлі де түсініксіз жерлер бар
Төмен түсірілген-түсінбедім
Тыңдайды, мысал келтіреді, сұраққа жауап бередіБас бармақ арқылы өзін-өзі бағалайдыЖоғары көтеріңкі-толық түсіндімБас бармақ ортада-әлі де түсініксіз жерлер

Слайд 9
Knowledge practice 5 min
Reading the dialogue
Listen and

Where is my bag?
It’s on the chair.
Talking and writing your friend
Where is my (your) pen?
Where’re my (your) books?
It’s ________________

Knowledge practice    5 minReading the dialogue Listen and repeatWhere is my bag?It’s on the

Слайд 10: Look at the pictures, write about the positions of the pictures.

Read 3min
: Look at the pictures, write about the positions of the pictures. Read

Слайд 11

Answer the question where is Gogo?
For ex: He is under the

He is on the ball 10min min
Answer the question where is Gogo?For ex: He is under the bedHe is on the ball

Слайд 123 min
Tickle you under there
Round and round the garden
Like a Teddy

One step, two step,
Tickle you under there.
When I see your smiling face,
Laughter fills the air.
One step, two step
Tickle you under their
3 minTickle you under there Round and round the gardenLike a Teddy bearOne step, two step,Tickle you under

Слайд 13Control of understanding
Answer the questions

Where is Almaty?
It’s in ……..
Where is New York?
It’s in ……..
Where is Tokyo?
It’s in …………..

Control of understanding  Answer the questions      Where is Almaty?

Слайд 14Conclusions and mark
I’ll give your marks give me your cards and


Conclusions and mark I’ll give your marks give me your cards and diaries3min

Слайд 15Home task
Exercise 17 writing

2 min
Home taskExercise 17 writing           2 min

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