Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Mother Teresa (8 класс)

Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. Her real name was Agnes. She was the youngest of three children. Her father was a good businessman and the family had a comfortable life. Her parents were

Слайд 1«Mother Teresa»

«Mother Teresa»

Слайд 2Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. Her real name

was Agnes. She was the youngest of three children. Her father was a good businessman and the family had a comfortable life. Her parents were very religious.
«I had a happy childhood»-said Mother Teresa later.
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. Her real name was Agnes. She was the youngest

Слайд 3When Agnes was only nine, her father died. The family became

poor. But later her mother opened a shop, and the business did well. That was the second lesson in life from mother when life is difficult, you must try, try and try again.
They worked in a hospital and school, took care of children without parents and helped the sick and the dying.
When Agnes was only nine, her father died. The family became poor. But later her mother opened

Слайд 4Quotes: Great joy lies to devote himself to other people.(Великая радость

заключается в том, чтобы посвятить себя служению другим людям.)
Quotes: Great joy lies to devote himself to other people.(Великая радость заключается в том, чтобы посвятить себя

Слайд 5The most important medicine is tender love and concern.(Самое важное лекарство

– это нежная любовь и забота.)
The most important medicine is tender love and concern.(Самое важное лекарство – это нежная любовь и забота.)

Слайд 6September 5, 1997 all newspapers reported that Mother Teresa has died.

She died of heart failure.
September 5, 1997 all newspapers reported that Mother Teresa has died. She died of heart failure.

Слайд 7Thank for attention!☺
Suffering can statute a great love mercies.(Страдание может стать

путем к великому милосердию.)
Made by Sasha Ignatyeva, Form 8
Thank for attention!☺Suffering can statute a great love mercies.(Страдание может стать путем к великому милосердию.) Made by

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