Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Most Americans are descendants of immigrants.

Most Americans are descendants of immigrants.

Слайд 1The period of the frontier experience

The period of the frontier experience

Слайд 2Most Americans are descendants of immigrants.

Most Americans are descendants of immigrants.

Слайд 3The first Americans had a hard life.

The first Americans had a hard life.

Слайд 4Frontier men and women were often facing new problems and situations

which needed new solutions.
Frontier men and women were often facing new problems and situations which needed new solutions.

Слайд 5They soon learned to experiment with new inventions.

They soon learned to experiment with new inventions.

Слайд 6Americans trait had a sense of optimism, and they things that

every problem has a solution.
Americans trait had a sense of optimism, and they things that every problem has a solution.

Слайд 7The frontiersmen had to overcome many difficulties. They helped each othes.

They shared food,..
The frontiersmen had to overcome many difficulties. They helped each othes. They shared food,..

Слайд 8…together built each other’s houses…

…together built each other’s houses…

Слайд 9…and fought fires.

…and fought fires.

Слайд 10The difficulties of the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospitality.

The difficulties of the frontier also shaped the tradition of hospitality.

Слайд 11Americans are always on the move.

Americans are always on the move.

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