Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Mare Curie (8 класс)

Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw ,Poland in 1867Мария Кюри (в центре) в детстве с сестрами и братом

Слайд 1Marie Curie

Marie Curie

Слайд 2Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw ,Poland in 1867

Кюри (в центре) в детстве с сестрами и братом
Marie Curie was born Maria Sklodowski in Warsaw ,Poland in 1867Мария Кюри (в центре) в детстве с

Слайд 3At the age of ten , Maria went to boarding school

and then to the gymnasium for girls , which she graduated with a gold medal.
At the age of ten , Maria went to boarding school and then to the gymnasium for

Слайд 4At the end of 1891 Curie (Sklodowski) moved to France.
Мария Кюри

в молодости
At the end of 1891 Curie (Sklodowski) moved to France.Мария Кюри в молодости

Слайд 5In 1893, Marie received a degree in physics and began work

in the industrial laboratory of Professor Gabriel Lippmann.
In 1893, Marie received a degree in physics and began work in the industrial laboratory of Professor

Слайд 6In the same year, Sklodowski met with Pierre Curie, who became

not only her colleague in the laboratory, but also her husband.

Мария Кюри изучала радиактивность

In the same year, Sklodowski met with Pierre Curie, who became not only her colleague in the

Слайд 7In 1897, the first daughter of the Curie couple, Irene, was

born. The girl will devote herself to science in the future, following the example of her parents - and being inspired by them. The second daughter, Eva, was born in 1904. Her life was not connected with science. After Mary’s death, she will write her biography, which will become so popular that it will even be screened in 1943 (Madame Curie).
In 1897, the first daughter of the Curie couple, Irene, was born. The girl will devote herself

Слайд 8The couple had two daughters, Irene (1897-1956), a chemist and Eva

(1904-2007), a music and theater critic and writer.

Мария со своими дочерьми Ирен и Евой. 1921 год, США

The couple had two daughters, Irene (1897-1956), a chemist and Eva (1904-2007), a music and theater critic

Слайд 9In 1903, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Curie

and Henri Becquerel to the Nobel Prize in Physics for achievements in researching radiation phenomena.
In 1903, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Curie and Henri Becquerel to the Nobel

Слайд 10 Marie - the first woman who won the Nobel Prize

Кюри и Пьер Кюри были удостоены Нобелевской премии
Marie - the first woman who won the Nobel PrizeМария Кюри и Пьер Кюри были удостоены

Слайд 11On July 4, 1934, 66-year-old Marie died in the Sansellemos sanatorium

in Passy, in eastern France.
On July 4, 1934, 66-year-old Marie died in the Sansellemos sanatorium in Passy, in eastern France.

Слайд 12Curie was buried in the cemetery in the village of Co,

next to the tomb of Pierre.
Curie was buried in the cemetery in the village of Co, next to the tomb of Pierre.

Слайд 13Monument to Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Warsaw

Monument to Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Warsaw

Слайд 14Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin.

Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin.

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