Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Компьютеры в нашей жизни

Computers In Our Life

Слайд 1Презентация
По теме
«Компьютеры в нашей жизни»
Unit 1

ПрезентацияПо теме«Компьютеры в нашей жизни»Unit 1

Слайд 2Computers In Our Life

Computers In Our Life

Слайд 3Attachment to your computer
Our life would be boring without computers. It’s

hard to believe that one device can provide people with entertainment, news, education, music. With the appearance of computer many things have lost their importance. People don’t watch TV anymore, don’t go to the cinema very often. They don’t listen to the radio, CD- or MP3-player. They’ve stopped buying newspapers and magazines. Many have taken online classes. Thus, computers and Internet have become an integral part of every family.
Attachment to your computerOur life would be boring without computers. It’s hard to believe that one device

Слайд 4 Computer is a powerful tool. It helps to create colourful presentations,

to calculate large numbers, to write articles, to save and edit photos, to keep documentation and, of course, to surf the web. 

What is the computer?

 Computer is a powerful tool. It helps to create colourful presentations, to calculate large numbers, to write

Слайд 5Some parents worry about computer games because they think their children

won't be able to communicate with real people in the real world. But parents do not need to worry. According to research children usually do well after they have left school.
Some parents worry about computer games because they think their children won't be able to communicate with

Слайд 6For most children computer games are a craze. Like any other

craze, such as skate-boarding, the craze is short-lived. It provides harmless fun.

 Children have been interested in science and technology from a very early age, and they are usually very shy people who like being alone.
Usage of computers gives them confidence. They love debugging and solving problems, developing programs and love learning programming languages. They learnt to communicate with other users through computer networks and the people they met in school and work think of them as of computer experts.

For most children computer games are a craze. Like any other craze, such as skate-boarding, the craze

Слайд 7Many people whose jobs are connected with computers complain on health

problems such as headaches, RSI, backache, poor vision. Moreover, spending a lot of time at the computer results in eating a lot of foods which in its turn leads to the obesity.
Many people whose jobs are connected with computers complain on health problems such as headaches, RSI, backache,

Слайд 8So we can summarize that modern technologies and computers in particular

have both positive and negative effects on people’s life. And in order to live in a harmony people must find a proper balance. They should remember a computer was initially created to help people make their lives easier not to ruin them.
So we can summarize that modern technologies and computers in particular have both positive and negative effects

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