Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Каузативная форма(8 класс)

СравнитеЯ подстригся перед зеркалом (сам, например, машинкой).Я подстригся в парикмахерской (парикмахер подстриг меня).

Слайд 1Causative form
“Have something done”

Causative form“Have something done”

Слайд 2Сравните
Я подстригся перед зеркалом (сам, например, машинкой).

Я подстригся в парикмахерской (парикмахер

подстриг меня).

СравнитеЯ подстригся перед зеркалом (сам, например, машинкой).Я подстригся в парикмахерской (парикмахер подстриг меня).

Слайд 3Каузативная конструкция используется, когда говорящий не сам выполняет действие, а побуждает

кого-то другого его совершить. Действие выполняется кем-либо для лица, обозначенного подлежащим.
Subject + have/get + object + past participle
They had their car repaired.
(Someone repaired the car for them.)

Causative form

Каузативная конструкция используется, когда говорящий не сам выполняет действие, а побуждает кого-то другого его совершить. Действие выполняется

Слайд 5Сравните

I had my computer repaired yesterday. –

вчера (в мастерской!).

I repaired my computer yesterday. –
Я ПОЧИНИЛА компьютер вчера (своими силами!).

Сравните I had my computer repaired yesterday. – МНЕ ПОЧИНИЛИ КОМПЬЮТЕР вчера (в мастерской!). I repaired my

Слайд 6Глагол «have» в каузативной форме - изменяемая часть
Present Simple

Present Continuous
Past Simple
Past Continuous
Present Perfect
Past Perfect
Future Simple
Future Continuous

She has her room painted.
She is having her room painted.
She had her room painted.
She was having her room painted.
She has had her room painted.
She had had her room painted
She will have her room painted
She will be having her room painted

Глагол «have» в каузативной форме - изменяемая частьPresent Simple    Present Continuous Past SimplePast ContinuousPresent

Слайд 7Отдельно разберем предложения в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах:
Утверждение: Subject + have/has

+ object + ed или V3
Example: I have my bed made every morning – Мою кровать заправляют каждое утро.
Отрицание:  Subject + auxiliary verb (Do/does) + not + have + object + ed или V3
Example: I don’t have my bed made every morning – Мою кровать не заправляют каждое утро.
Вопрос: auxiliary verb (Do/does) + subject + have + object + ed или V3
Example: Do you have your bed made every morning? – Тебе каждое утро заправляют кровать?
Отдельно разберем предложения в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной формах:Утверждение: Subject + have/has + object + ed или V3Example:

Слайд 8  
Complete the sentences using the correct form of “to have something

The Smiths ___________ the roof _______________ last year. (repair)

The Smiths had the roof repaired last year.
Molly ______________ the room ____________________ next month. (decorate)

Molly is going to have/is having the room decorated next month.

You should ___________ your eyes ___________ regularly. (test)
You should have your eyes tested regularly.

We ___________ the television _________________ only last year! (repair)

We had the television repaired only last year!

  Complete the sentences using the correct form of “to have something done”The Smiths ___________ the roof _______________

Слайд 9Write down the sentences using the correct causative form.
Use a

modal verb where appropriate.
1.Bob must/ really / the heating / fix. Winter is coming soon.
Bob really must have the heating fixed.
2. They / the rooms / paint at the moment.
They are having the rooms painted at the moment.
3. They / not / their TV / fix / yet
They have not had their TV fixed yet.

Write down the sentences using the correct causative form. Use a modal verb where appropriate.1.Bob must/ really

Слайд 10Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE
1.Someone cut Kate’s hair at

13.30 pm.
Kate ……………………………………………………
Kate had her hair cut at 13.30 pm.
The mechanic is changing Peter’s car battery.
                Peter ………………………………………………...
Peter is having his car battery changed.
The hairdresser dyed my mother’s hair last Saturday.
                My mother  ………………………………………...
My mother had her hair dyed last Saturday.
Someone checks Henry’s guitar after every show.
Henry has his guitar checked after every show.

Rewrite the sentences using HAVE SOMETHING DONE1.Someone cut Kate’s hair at 13.30 pm.Kate ……………………………………………………Kate had her hair

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