Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Как отрастить длинные волосы

You must cut off every inch that is damaged.The first step to growing long, beautiful hear.

Слайд 1Presentation in English the topic: «Growing long hear»

Presentation in English   the topic: «Growing long hear»

Слайд 2You must cut off every inch that is damaged.
The first step

to growing long, beautiful hear.
You must cut off every inch that is damaged.The first step to growing long, beautiful hear.

Слайд 3Trim hair a half inch every month or so, as soon

as they damage.

second step

Trim hair a half inch every month or so, as soon as they damage.second step

Слайд 4Avoid using any heated appliances whenever possible.
1. Blow-drying
2. curling

3. hot rollers

third step

Avoid using any heated appliances whenever possible. 1. Blow-drying 2. curling irons3. hot rollersthird step

Слайд 5 No flat irons or crimpers!

No flat irons or crimpers!

Слайд 6Don't use any harsh chemicals on your hair.
Definitely no perms and


the fourth step

Don't use any harsh chemicals on your hair.Definitely no perms and peroxide. the fourth step

Слайд 7Avoid chlorine and salt water.
the fifth step

Avoid chlorine and salt water.the fifth step

Слайд 8If you are blonde use a special shampoo to remove color.

If you are blonde use a special shampoo to remove color.

Слайд 9Do not use metal clips, and silicone gum.
The sixth step

Do not use metal clips, and silicone gum.The sixth step

Слайд 11Be careful with your hair when they are wet, do not

rub or brush.

seventh step

Be careful with your hair when they are wet, do not rub or brush.seventh step

Слайд 12Laying the hair use a comb with natural bristles which are

useful in the spread.

eighth step

Laying the hair use a comb with natural bristles which are useful in the spread.eighth step

Слайд 13Comb your hair to ensure all knots have been removed before


a ninth step.

Comb your hair to ensure all knots have been removed before shampooing. a ninth step.

Слайд 14Rinse hair in cold water. You get shiny hair.
Tenth step

Rinse hair in cold water. You get shiny hair.Tenth step

Слайд 15Reduce hair friction whenever possible. Do not sleep with her hair,

or use a satin pillowcase.

Eleven step

Reduce hair friction whenever possible. Do not sleep with her hair, or use a satin pillowcase.Eleven step

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