Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Как английский язык влияет на выбор будущей профессии

A different language is a different vision of life.

Слайд 1How does learning English affect your career choices ?
Anna Zaleskaya, Anna

Linnik -11 «A»
How does learning English affect your career choices ?Authors:Anna Zaleskaya, Anna Linnik -11 «A»

Слайд 2A different language is a different vision of life.

A different language is a different vision of life.

Слайд 3The aim of our study is to show how the knowledge

of English influence on your career choices. The object of our study is English language. The subject of our study is the connection of language and your future profession.
The aim of our study is to show how the knowledge of English influence on your career

Слайд 4If you want to know more about the world and modern

technology, English is a great bridge.
If you want to know more about the world and modern technology, English is a great bridge.

Слайд 5Depending on the nature of the work and their target market,

the ability to speak English may be a main requirement.
Depending on the nature of the work and their target market, the ability to speak English may

Слайд 6Questions: a) Do you know English? b) How often do you use it? c)

How English can improve your career? d) How many years did you study English? e) Could you name professions, which are connected with English?
Questions: a) Do you know English? b) How often do you use it? c) How English can

Слайд 7The knowledge of English

The knowledge of English

Слайд 8The frequency of using the language

The frequency of using the language

Слайд 9The duration of learning English

The duration of learning English

Слайд 10Every well-educated person should be able to speak English.

Every well-educated person should be able to speak English.

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