Презентация, доклад по английскому языку к уроку Если погода хорошая (учебник Английский язык В.П.Кузовлев и др. 6 класс)

Whether the weather is fine,Or whether the weather is not,Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the weather is hot,We’ll weather the weatherWhatever the weather,Whether we like it or not

Слайд 1If the weather is fine….
Презентация к уроку «Если погода хорошая» по

учебнику Английский язык В.П. Кузовлева 6 класс
Капустина Е.Л.
If the weather is fine….Презентация к уроку «Если погода хорошая» по учебнику Английский язык В.П. Кузовлева 6

Слайд 2Whether the weather is fine,
Or whether the weather is not,
Whether the

weather is cold,

Or whether the weather is hot,

We’ll weather the weather

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not

Whether the weather is fine,Or whether the weather is not,Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the

Слайд 4If it is
If there is
If it
I will go on a picnic

won’t play sports

I will stay at home

I won’t go to the park

I will play hockey

I will watch TV



a thunderstorm,




If it is

If there is

If it

If it isIf there isIf itI will go on a picnicI won’t play sportsI will stay at

Слайд 51.If the weather is (be) lovely Jane and her friends will

swim (swim) in the river.
If the weather (be) hot I (have) a picnic. If it (be) sunny she (go) to the beach.
If there (be) snow he(stay) at home. If the weather (be) fine I(take) Jane to the countryside.
1.If the weather is (be) lovely Jane and her friends will swim (swim) in the river.If the

Слайд 61.If the weather is (be) lovely Jane and her friends will

swim (swim) in the river.
If the weather is hot I will a picnic. If it is sunny she will go to the beach.
If there is snow he will stay at home. If the weather is fine I will take Jane to the countryside.
1.If the weather is (be) lovely Jane and her friends will swim (swim) in the river.If the

Слайд 7If it is…………,
If it……………..,
If there is…..,
I will
relax on the beach, play

football, play sports outside, watch TV, stay at home, help my parents,ride a bike

If it is…………,If it……………..,If there is…..,I willrelax on the beach, play football, play sports outside, watch TV,

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