Презентация, доклад по английскому языку к уроку на тему Русские ремесла (6 класс)

At the lessonGet information and speak about LearnPopular kinds of New wordsfolk artPractise

Слайд 1

...We are working on the project “Folk Art in Different Countries”

this month and I need your help. Please, write me about popular kinds of folk art in Russia.
With best wishes,

...We are working on the project “Folk Art in Different Countries” this month and I need your

Слайд 2At the lesson
Get information
and speak about

Popular kinds of New words
folk art
Practise Remember
Grammar structures Rules of letter writing

At the lessonGet information and speak about       LearnPopular kinds of

Слайд 3

...We are working on the project “Folk Art in Different Countries”

this month and I need your help. Please, write me about popular kinds of folk art in Russia.
With best wishes,

...We are working on the project “Folk Art in Different Countries” this month and I need your

Слайд 4Change the sentence using since/as
Patrick asks us for help because he

is working on the project about folk art.
Change the sentence using   since/asPatrick asks us for help because he is working on the

Слайд 5Say in English:
с древних времен
деревянные дома
церкви и соборы
деревянная структура
главные инструменты
топор и

несколько поколений

Say in English:с древних времендеревянные домацеркви и соборыдеревянная структураглавные инструментытопор и пиланесколько поколений

Слайд 6Russian wooden architecture

Russian wooden architecture

Слайд 7Continue the sentence:
Russian wooden architecture is a kind of folk art

because\since\ as…

Continue the sentence:Russian wooden architecture is a kind of folk art because\since\ as…

Слайд 8Russian wooden architecture
A church in Kizhi
The domes of St. Basil's Chathedral

Russian wooden architectureA church in Kizhi The domes of St. Basil's Chathedral

Слайд 9
Folk Art: Russian Crafts

Folk Art: Russian Crafts

Слайд 10Learn
a craft - ремесло
a miniature - миниатюра
background - фон

box - шкатулка
a tray - поднос
lacquer - лаковый
laconic - лаконичный

Learna craft - ремесло a miniature - миниатюраbackground - фон a box - шкатулкаa tray - подносlacquer

Слайд 11Match the crafts and the descriptions:

metal trays;
garden and wild flowers;


wood painting
a golden ornament;
fantastic flowers

miniature painting;
elegant lacquer boxes;
folklore heroes

Khokhloma Zhostovo Palekh

Match the crafts and the descriptions: c)metal trays;garden and wild flowers;laconic designb)wood paintinga golden ornament;fantastic flowersa)miniature painting;elegant

Слайд 12Famous Russian Crafts

Famous Russian Crafts

Слайд 13

N. Novgorod Russia 25.01.2017 Dear Patrick, Thank you for your nice letter. I am happy to help you with your project. _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Write back soon. Best wishes, Kate

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