Презентация, доклад по английскому языку к учебнику Афанасьевой О. В. 3 класс Unit 1 Step 5


Прочитай[ai]myIlikebytime[ei]theyplaylakegamename[a:]areparkcarstarCharley1) My name is Mark.2) I can see a star.3) They like to play in the park.4) Charley can play a game.5) They are by the lake.

Слайд 1Учимся читать, писать
и говорить
Методическое пособие
к учебнику Rainbow English, 3 класс

Афанасьевой О. В.
Unit 1 Step 5

Власенко Мария Васильевна,
учитель английского языка
высшей категории
МБОУ «Лицей «Политэк»
г. Волгодонска

Учимся читать, писатьи говорить по-английскиМетодическое пособиек учебнику Rainbow English, 3 класс Афанасьевой О. В.Unit 1 Step 5Составитель:Власенко

Слайд 2Прочитай
1) My name is Mark.
2) I can see a star.
3) They

like to play in the park.
4) Charley can play a game.
5) They are by the lake.
Прочитай[ai]myIlikebytime[ei]theyplaylakegamename[a:]areparkcarstarCharley1) My name is Mark.2) I can see a star.3) They like to play in the park.4)

Слайд 3Прочитай и ответь на вопросы
My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are

and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

They like to run and play in the park and by the
lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

Are Spot and Bingo cats or dogs?

- They are dogs.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросыMy DogsI have two dogs. They are Spotand Bingo. Bingo is brown andSpot

Слайд 4Прочитай и ответь на вопросы
My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are

and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Is Bingo red?

They like to run and play in the park and by the
lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

- No, he isn’t.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросыMy DogsI have two dogs. They are Spotand Bingo. Bingo is brown andSpot

Слайд 5Прочитай и ответь на вопросы
My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are

and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Is Spot brown?

They like to run and play in the park and by the
lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

- No, he isn’t.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросыMy DogsI have two dogs. They are Spotand Bingo. Bingo is brown andSpot

Слайд 6Прочитай и ответь на вопросы
My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are

and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Is Bingo old?

They like to run and play in the park and by the
lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

- No, he isn’t.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросыMy DogsI have two dogs. They are Spotand Bingo. Bingo is brown andSpot

Слайд 7Прочитай и ответь на вопросы
My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are

and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Is Spot old?

They like to run and play in the park and by the
lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

- Yes, he is.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросыMy DogsI have two dogs. They are Spotand Bingo. Bingo is brown andSpot

Слайд 8Прочитай и ответь на вопросы
My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are

and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Where is Bingo in the photo?

They like to run and play in the park and by the
lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросыMy DogsI have two dogs. They are Spotand Bingo. Bingo is brown andSpot

Слайд 9They like to run and play in the park and by

lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросы

My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are Spot
and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Where is Spot in the photo?

They like to run and play in the park and by thelake. Look! In the photo Bingo

Слайд 10They like to run and play in the park and by

lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросы

My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are Spot
and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Is Spot sad?

- Yes, he is.

They like to run and play in the park and by thelake. Look! In the photo Bingo

Слайд 11They like to run and play in the park and by

lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросы

My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are Spot
and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Is Bingo sad?

- No, he isn’t.

They like to run and play in the park and by thelake. Look! In the photo Bingo

Слайд 12They like to run and play in the park and by

lake. Look! In the photo Bingo is under my desk and
Spot is by my desk. Bingo has a bone and he is happy.
Spot is not happy: Bingo has his bone too. These are
good dogs. I like Spot and Bingo. They are my pets.

Прочитай и ответь на вопросы

My Dogs
I have two dogs. They are Spot
and Bingo. Bingo is brown and
Spot is red. Bingo is three and
Spot is twelve. He is an old dog.

Are they good pets?

- Yes, they are.

They like to run and play in the park and by thelake. Look! In the photo Bingo

Слайд 13Познакомься с новыми словами и
play ping-pong
play ping-pong in the park

ping-pong at school


Познакомься с новыми словами и словосочетаниямиping-pongplay ping-pongplay ping-pong in the parkplay ping-pong at schoolПрочитай

Слайд 14Познакомься с новыми словами и
skating rink
by the skating rink
at the

skating rink


Познакомься с новыми словами и словосочетаниямиskating rinkby the skating rinkat the skating rinkПрочитай

Слайд 15Познакомься с новыми словами и
sing a song
sing a funny song

a good song


Познакомься с новыми словами и словосочетаниямиsongsing a songsing a funny songsing a good songПрочитай

Слайд 16Познакомься с новыми словами и
in the morning
play games in the

Good morning!


Познакомься с новыми словами и словосочетаниямиmorningin the morningplay games in the morningGood morning!Прочитай

Слайд 17Познакомься с новыми словами и
in the evening
ride a bike in

the evening
Good evening!


Познакомься с новыми словами и словосочетаниямиeveningin the eveningride a bike in the eveningGood evening!Прочитай

Слайд 18Познакомься с новыми словами и
Thank you!

Познакомься с новыми словами и словосочетаниямиthankThank you!Прочитай

Слайд 19Английский этикет
Здороваясь друг с другом, британцы
употребляют выражение
Good morning!

Английский этикетЗдороваясь друг с другом, британцыупотребляют выражениеGood morning!утром

Слайд 20Английский этикет
Здороваясь друг с другом, британцы
употребляют выражение
Good afternoon!
днём, после полудня

Английский этикетЗдороваясь друг с другом, британцыупотребляют выражениеGood afternoon!днём, после полудня

Слайд 21Английский этикет
Здороваясь друг с другом, британцы
употребляют выражение
Good evening!

Английский этикетЗдороваясь друг с другом, британцыупотребляют выражениеGood evening!вечером

Слайд 22Английский этикет
Желая доброй ночи, британцы
употребляют выражение
Good night!

Английский этикетЖелая доброй ночи, британцыупотребляют выражениеGood night![nait]

Слайд 23Вспомни английские числительные от 1 до 12
и выполни следующие задания
1) Назови

числа от 1 до 12

6) Назови числа в обратном порядке

2) Назови нечетные числа: 1, 3, 5 ,7 ,9, 11

3) Назови четные числа: 2, 4, 6 ,8 ,10, 12

4) Назови числа, которые следуют после:
1, 5, 8 ,10

5) Назови числа, которые следуют до:
2, 4, 8 ,11

Вспомни английские числительные от 1 до 12и выполни следующие задания1) Назови числа от 1 до 126) Назови

Слайд 24ВРЕМЯ
What’s the time?

ВРЕМЯWhat’s the time?

Слайд 25What’s the time?
Время от полуночи до полудня британцы
обозначают словом morning
It’s one

o’clock in the morning.

Час ночи.

It’s three o’clock in the morning.

Три часа ночи.

What’s the time?Время от полуночи до полудня британцыобозначают словом morningIt’s one o’clock in the morning.Час ночи.It’s three

Слайд 26What’s the time?
It’s four o’clock in the afternoon.
Время от 12 до

6 часов дня
обозначается словом afternoon


Четыре часа дня.

What’s the time?It’s four o’clock in the afternoon.Время от 12 до 6 часов дняобозначается словом afternoonafternoonЧетыре часа

Слайд 27What’s the time?
Тёмное время суток может описываться
словами evening (вечер) и night


Для того, чтобы сказать «в 3 часа», «в 5 часов»
надо использовать предлог at

в 7 часов утра – at 7 o’clock in the morning
в 12 часов дня - at 12 o’clock in the afternoon
в 10 часов вечера - at 10 o’clock in the evening

It’s seven o’clock in the evening.

What’s the time?Тёмное время суток может описыватьсясловами evening (вечер) и night (ночь)Для того, чтобы сказать «в 3

Слайд 28Прочитай и переведи
1) Birds sing at 7 o’clock in the morning.

We are at school at 1 o’clock in the afternoon.
3) Little boys and girls sleep in the afternoon.
4) My brother is in the park at 3 o’clock in the
5) My sister is in bed at 10 o’clock in the evening.
Прочитай и переведи1) Birds sing at 7 o’clock in the morning.2) We are at school at 1

Слайд 29Well done!

Well done!

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