Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Изобретатели и их изобретения


When we feel hot, we switch on the fan or the cooler; when it's too dark to see, we switch on the light bulb; we can also talk to our friend miles away using the telephone;

Слайд 1Inventors
and their Inventions

Inventorsand their Inventions

Слайд 2When we feel hot, we switch on the fan or the

cooler; when it's too dark to see, we switch on the light bulb; we can also talk to our friend miles away using the telephone; we can also fly places in a plane, and there are so many things that we can do today because of some of the famous inventors and their inventions. We wonder what the world or our lives would have been like if these great people had not invented some of the necessities of our lives. Simply unthinkable! There are so many of these great scientists that it's difficult to list all of them. A concise list is included in the following game

When we feel hot, we switch on the fan or the cooler; when it's too dark to

Слайд 5Who was the first radio invented by?
a) Popov;
b) Marconi;
c) Eastman?

Who was the first radio invented by?a) Popov;b) Marconi;c) Eastman?

Слайд 6The radio was invented by Marconi, in 1894

The radio was invented by Marconi, in 1894

Слайд 8Who was the ballpoint pen invented by?
a) László Bíró;
b) Ruth Wakefield;

Chester Carlson?
Who was the ballpoint pen invented by?a) László Bíró;b) Ruth Wakefield;c) Chester Carlson?

Слайд 9The ballpoint pen was invented by László Bíró in 1938

The ballpoint pen was invented by László Bíró  in 1938

Слайд 11When was the periodic table invented by D.Mendeleev?

a) in 1858;
b) in

c) in 1872?
When was the periodic table  invented by D.Mendeleev?a) in 1858;b) in 1869;c) in 1872?

Слайд 12The periodic table was invented by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869

The periodic table was invented  by Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869

Слайд 14Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky, who invented the helicopter, was born in _____

and then immigrated to _____ . a) Kiev – the UK; b) Moscow – the USA; c) Kiev – the USA.
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky, who invented  the helicopter,  was born in _____ and  then immigrated

Слайд 15 Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky, who invented the helicopter, was born in Kiev

and then immigrated to the USA .
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky, who invented  the helicopter,  was born in Kiev  and then

Слайд 17The _____ was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876

The _____ was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876

Слайд 18Alexander Graham Bell invented
the telephone in 1876

Alexander Graham Bell inventedthe telephone in 1876

Слайд 20 The electric battery
was invented
by _____ in 1800

a) Thomas Edison;
b) Henry

c) Alessandro Volta
The electric batterywas inventedby _____ in 1800a) Thomas Edison;b) Henry Ford;c) Alessandro Volta

Слайд 21

The electric battery
was invented
Alessandro Volta
in 1800

The electric batterywas inventedbyAlessandro Volta in 1800

Слайд 23The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in _____


a) 1878; b) 1788;
c) 1887.
The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in _____ .a) 1878;   b) 1788;c)

Слайд 24The electric light bulb
was invented
by Thomas Edison
in 1878

The electric light bulb was inventedby Thomas Edisonin 1878

Слайд 25Who's last will* is this?

* - завещание (досл. последняя воля)

Who's last will* is this?* - завещание (досл. последняя воля)

Слайд 26„Я, нижеподписавшийся, _____ , обдумав и решив, настоящим объявляю моё завещание

по поводу имущества, нажитого мною… Капитал мои душеприказчики должны перевести в ценные бумаги, создав фонд, проценты с которого будут выдаваться в виде премии тем, кто в течение предшествующего года принёс наибольшую пользу человечеству...“
„Я, нижеподписавшийся, _____ , обдумав и решив, настоящим объявляю моё завещание по поводу имущества, нажитого мною… Капитал

Слайд 27 Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor,

businessman, and philanthropist.
Known for inventing dynamite, Nobel also instituted the Nobel Prizes
Alfred Nobel   was a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor, businessman, and philanthropist.Known for inventing dynamite,

Слайд 28https://www.sporcle.com/games/El_Dandy/inventors-by-inventions



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