Презентация, доклад по английскому языку игра Счастливый случай

Warming up – Разминка 1. How many parts does the UK consist of? 2. What is the highest mountain in the UK? 3. What color are the letter boxes in London? 4. What is the most

Слайд 1“A Lucky Chance”

“A Lucky Chance”

Слайд 2Warming up – Разминка
1. How many parts does the UK

consist of?
2. What is the highest mountain in the UK?
3. What color are the letter boxes in London?
4. What is the most popular sport in England?
5. What is the national flower of England?
6. What is the capital of Britain?
7. Britain’s currency (money)?
Warming up – Разминка 1. How many parts does the UK consist of? 2. What is the

Слайд 3 1. What river is the capital situated

on? 2. What is the longest river in England? 3. What are the oldest English universities? 4. What is the full name of the country? 5. What is the national emblem of Wales? 6. What is the population of the UK? 7. What is the biggest museum in London?
1. What river is the capital situated on?  2. What is the

Слайд 4Puzzles in the Barrels
1. The face is an index of

the mind.
2. Every country has its custom.
3. Better late than never.
4. East or west, home is best.
Puzzles in the Barrels 1. The face is an index of the mind.2. Every country has its

Слайд 5Ask me a question and I’ll ask you

Ask me a question and I’ll ask you

Слайд 6A Dark Horse

A Dark Horse

Слайд 7

He was a famous English dramatist and poet

at the beginning of the 17th century. He wrote lyric plays, comedies, tragedies, historical plays. His theatre “The Globe” is known all over the world. He wrote the tragedy of “Romeo and Julite”.
He was a famous English dramatist and poet at the beginning of the 17th

Слайд 9

He was an outstanding scientist. He discovered the law of gravitation,

once upon a time sitting in the garden under the apple-tree.
He was an outstanding scientist. He discovered the law of gravitation, once upon a time sitting in

Слайд 11Hurry up to See!

Hurry up to See!

Слайд 18Trivial Pursuit

Trivial Pursuit

Слайд 19
1. The most important river in England?
2. The national musical

instrument of the Scots?
4. The national dress of the Scots?
5. The permanent seat of the British Parliament?
6. The masterpiece of Christopher Wren?
7. Entertainment district of London?
8. This famous building is often compared with the Mausoleum because a lot of people were buried there
9. Two popular gentlemen associated with Baker Street?
10. What cities did Queen Elizabeth visit when she was in Russia in autumn of 1994?
11. The capital of Wales?
1. The most important river in England? 2. The national musical instrument of the Scots? 4. The

Слайд 20
12. The national emblem of Scotland?
13. Where do children find

Christmas presents?
14. Who is the current monarch of Britain?
15. Who is the current Prime Minister?
16. The Boat Race is rowed between which two universities?
17. With which sport is Wimbledon associated?
18. What is the national emblem of Ireland?
19. How many parts of the country are situated on the island of Great Britain?
20. Who is a symbol of the British nation?
21. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?
22. Where is the mysterious Loch Ness Monster from?
23. Who is the national Hero of Britain, the defender of the poor people?
24. Who spoke these lines: “To be or not to be – that is the question”?

12. The national emblem of Scotland? 13. Where do children find Christmas presents? 14. Who is the

Слайд 21

The End

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