Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Идеальное государство. Как я его себе представляю.

Every person dreams to live in the ideal state. And we tried to create the best state for life.

Слайд 1An Ideal State, as I Understand It.

An Ideal State,  as I Understand It.

Слайд 2Every person dreams to live in the ideal state. And we

tried to create the best state for life.
Every person dreams to live in the ideal state.  And we tried to create the best

Слайд 3Our state is a Presidential republic. The president is the head

of state there and elected directly by the people.Every citizen has rights which can not be violated. In fact he has much power, he controls all the three branches of power.
Our state is a Presidential republic. The president is the head of state there and elected directly

Слайд 4The Constitution proclaims a presidential system of government which keeps both

the states and the federal power from getting too much power. It means that the federal government is given certain powers, for example, to make peace or war.
The Constitution proclaims a presidential system of government which keeps both the states and the federal power

Слайд 5The legislative branch of the federal government consists of Senate and

the House of Representatives. In the Senate there are 200 senators. The House has 500 members. Congress makes laws.

The legislative branch of the federal government consists of Senate and the House of Representatives. In the

Слайд 6The President and his Administration represent the executive branch of the

federal governments. The Administration includes the Secretaries. President signs federal laws. The President can veto a bill unless Congress by a two-thirds vote shall overrule him. The President is chosen in nationwide elections every 4 years.The President can not be elected for more than three terms.

The President and his Administration represent the executive branch of the federal governments. The Administration includes the

Слайд 7The judicial branch is made up of Federal District Courts, 13

Federal Courts and the Supreme Court. Federal judges are appointed by the President for life. Federal courts decide cases involving federal law, conflicts between citizens of different states.
The judicial branch is made up of Federal District Courts, 13 Federal Courts and the Supreme Court.

Слайд 8The head of state should be a real personality. He\She should

have a will to win and a wish to have power. He\She should use power not for his\her own needs but for improving the situation in the country.

The head of state should be a real personality. He\She should have a will to win and

Слайд 9A good politician should have an ability to risk and to

love risking if he\she wants to win. He\She should be able to take non-traditional decisions and to give up some people from his\her team.

A good politician should have an ability to risk and to love risking if he\she wants to

Слайд 10If a good politician understands that some people can not perform

their functions he\she should change them and forget how hard it was. A politician , who can not change some members of the team when it is necessary will lose .

If a good politician understands that some people can not perform their functions he\she should change them

Слайд 11It is very important for a politician to have clever advisors

but it is he/she who is responsible for the decisions. Though people often say that a politician who has clever advisors is not clever!

It is very important for a politician to have clever advisors but it is he/she who is

Слайд 12Political decisions may be ruthless for some people and good for

the majority of the people . So , a good politician should be ready to take ruthless decisions .

Political decisions may be ruthless for some people and good for the majority of the people .

Слайд 13A politician who follows one and the same strategic line and

does not revise his/her ideas won't live a long life in politics . But again , people may say that he/she has no will to finish something!

A politician who follows one and the same strategic line and does not revise his/her ideas won't

Слайд 14No image-maker can help a person who is nothing. It is

impossible to improve" nothing ."Image-makers and advisors can add only 15-20% to the image of a politician .

No image-maker can help a person who is nothing. It is impossible to improve

Слайд 15The power should be used by a politician not for power

itself but for achievind definite aims.

The power should be used by a politician not for power itself but for achievind definite aims.

Слайд 17All citizens shall be free to practice their own religion -

no official religion determined by the state.
All citizens shall be free to practice their own religion - no official religion determined by the

Слайд 18All citizens shall have the freedom of the press - people

shall have the right to write, publish and read anything they wish.
All citizens shall have the freedom of the press - people shall have the right to write,

Слайд 19All citizens shall enjoy the freedom of speech - people shall

have the right to discuss anything they wish.
All citizens shall enjoy the freedom of speech - people shall have the right to discuss anything

Слайд 20All citizens shall exercise the freedom of peaceful assembly - the

right to have public meetings.
All citizens shall exercise the freedom of peaceful assembly - the right to have public meetings.

Слайд 21All citizens shall be free to write to the government if

they don't approve of their public actions and want to correct wrongs.
All citizens shall be free to write to the government if they don't approve of their public

Слайд 22All citizens shall have the right to equal protection of the

laws - people of any race shall have equal opportunities guaranteed by law.
All citizens shall have the right to equal protection of the laws - people of any race

Слайд 23Rights to property - officers shall not searh people or their

property, or arrest people, or take their property unless they show they have a good reason for it.
Rights to property - officers shall not searh people or their property, or arrest people, or take

Слайд 24All citizens over 18 shall have the right to vote freely.

All citizens over 18 shall have the right to vote freely.

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