Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Food Riddles


На слайдах 3 – 12 сначала отгадайте загадку, а затем проверьте себя. Для этого щёлкните мышкой на вопросительный знак, яблочко сделает круг и откроет картинку с правильным ответом.

Слайд 1Food Riddles
Unit 5
УМК «Rainbow English»
4 класс
О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева
Костылева Е.В.,

г. Красноуральск
Food RiddlesUnit 5 УМК «Rainbow English» 4 класс О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.МихееваКостылева Е.В., МАОУ СОШ №6 г. Красноуральск

Слайд 2На слайдах 3 – 12 сначала отгадайте загадку, а затем проверьте

себя. Для этого щёлкните мышкой на вопросительный знак, яблочко сделает круг и откроет картинку с правильным ответом.
На слайдах 3 – 12 сначала отгадайте загадку, а затем проверьте себя. Для этого щёлкните мышкой на

Слайд 3It’s orange in colour. You can make juice from it. It

has lots of vitamin C.
It’s orange in colour. You can make juice from it. It has lots of vitamin C.

Слайд 4It’s a vegetable. It’s red in colour and round. You can

eat it in salads.
It’s a vegetable. It’s red in colour and round. You can eat it in salads.

Слайд 5It’s very sweet. It’s white in colour. You put it in

tea, coffee, porridge.
It’s very sweet. It’s white in colour. You put it in tea, coffee, porridge.

Слайд 6It’s a fruit. Its colour is yellow. It’s sweet. Chimps like

to eat it.
It’s a fruit. Its colour is yellow. It’s sweet. Chimps like to eat it.

Слайд 7It is made from milk. Its colour is light yellow. You

can eat it with bread.
It is made from milk. Its colour is light yellow. You can eat it with bread.

Слайд 8It’s a vegetable. It’s green in colour and long. You can

eat it in salads.
It’s a vegetable. It’s green in colour and long. You can eat it in salads.

Слайд 9It is brown and sweet. Children like it. It can be

bad for your teeth.
It is brown and sweet. Children like it. It can be bad for your teeth.

Слайд 10It’s cold. It can be vanilla or chocolate. You like to

eat it when it’s hot.
It’s cold. It can be vanilla or chocolate. You like to eat it when it’s hot.

Слайд 11It’s a fruit. Its colour is yellow. You can drink tea

with it.
It’s a fruit. Its colour is yellow. You can drink tea with it.

Слайд 12It’s white in colour. You can make porridge with it. Children

drink it.
It’s white in colour. You can make porridge with it. Children drink it.

Слайд 13Links
Технологический приём «Яблочко на тарелочке»:


LinksТехнологический приём «Яблочко на тарелочке»:http://didaktor.ru/yablochko-po-tarelochke-vizualizaciya/http://ru.vector.me/files/images/1/7/178918/red_question_mark_circle_clip_art.jpghttp://wiki.udmteach.ru/images/archive/9/9a/20160303102419!Red-apple.pnghttp://fortwayneweddings.com/media/catalog/product/cache/5/small_image/540x720/c45b2806fc0d9830a6aa0a45217c14fa/g/o/goldrimplate_3.jpghttp://www.yucesoy.com.tr/UserFiles/portakal_washington.jpghttps://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-zNaHZgB5Wy8/UbBssNyXhmI/AAAAAAAAASw/sWh389m937A/s1600/tomato.jpghttps://img.clipartfest.com/6373d4e5b596bc56fc79642e5a2e1073_-cute-food-wallpaper-tumblr-food-clipart-tumblr_1000-675.pnghttps://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/jtv_user_pictures/food-profile_image-0a2c3ed2f8d119ea-300x300.pnghttp://naturalsociety.com/wp-content/uploads/sugar_cubes_spoon_735_350.jpghttps://www.vastgoedactueel.nl/sites/default/files/bannana1-424-x-282.jpghttp://www.cheesemilkandpickle.com/uploads/7/0/1/5/7015407/4284711.gifhttps://www.orderyourchoice.com/landing-page/Flower/Chocolate-min.jpghttps://www4.ti.ch/uploads/tx_templavoila/info_logo_03.jpghttps://i0.wp.com/www.bms.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Icecream-Day-13.jpghttp://organiceyourlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/lemon-and-leaves.jpghttps://image.freepik.com/free-vector/milk-bottle_1020-433.jpghttp://www.fruitmanxpress.com.au/shop/image/cache/data/veg/cucumber-cont-500x500.jpg 

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