Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Food of the Tsars Module 2 Starlight 6 класс

Correct the sentences Caviar is the salted eggs of salmon.Russia is known for its high quality fish.Peter the Great served the caviar at dinner in 1776.Salmon was called “food of the Tsars”.Fishermen were the main consumers

Слайд 1What’s the English for:
Солёные яйца
Основные потребители
Особый случай

What’s the English for:Хотя ТоннаВысококачественныйСолёные яйцаОсновные потребителиОсётрПроизводствоПраздникОсобый случай

Слайд 2Correct the sentences
Caviar is the salted eggs of salmon.
Russia is

known for its high quality fish.
Peter the Great served the caviar at dinner in 1776.
Salmon was called “food of the Tsars”.
Fishermen were the main consumers of caviar.
Every month Nicholas II received around 30 tons of caviar from his fishermen.
Caviar is very cheap nowadays.
Correct the sentences Caviar is the salted eggs of salmon.Russia is known for its high quality fish.Peter

Слайд 3Answer the questions
What is caviar?
Why is it called “food of the

Where does caviar come from?
Why didn’t the Russians like it originally?
When did caviar become a delicacy?
When do people eat caviar nowadays?
Answer the questionsWhat is caviar?Why is it called “food of the Tsars”?Where does caviar come from?Why didn’t

Слайд 4Make up sentences with the words:
Catherine the Great
Russian Tsars
Nicholas II
Holiday feasts

Make up sentences with the words:SturgeonCatherine the GreatRussian TsarsNicholas IIExpensiveHoliday feasts

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