Презентация, доклад по английскому языку English manners для 5-6 класса

What meals do the English usually have?Practically, they don’t use the term «supper». They use the word «dinner».

Слайд 1English Table Manners
Жабыко Ирина Витольдовна
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ школа №39
Г. Дзержинск

2015 год
English Table MannersЖабыко Ирина ВитольдовнаУчитель английского языка МБОУ школа №39Г. Дзержинск 2015 год

Слайд 2What meals do the English usually have?
Practically, they don’t use the

term «supper». They use the word «dinner».
What meals do the English usually have?Practically, they don’t use the term «supper». They use the word

Слайд 3What meals do they usually have?

What meals do they usually have?

Слайд 4Where will we have a meal?

Where will we have a meal?

Слайд 5British Menu

British Menu

Слайд 6English people don’s say “Good appetite”. They use the French phrase

«Bon Appetit!»

Americans say:
Have a nice meal!
Enjoy your meal!

English people don’s say “Good appetite”. They use the French phrase «Bon Appetit!»Americans say:Have a nice meal!Enjoy

Слайд 7In the Cafe
Menu, please! – Меню, пожалуйста!
Do you serve vegetarian food?

– У вас подают вегетарианскую пищу?
May I make/place an order? – Могу я сделать заказ?
What would you recommend? – Что бы вы порекомендовали?
What is the dish of the day? – Какое сегодня блюдо дня?
I’ ll have this. – Я буду это (указывая на пункт в меню).
I’ll have the same. – Я буду то же самое.
How would you like it? – Как вам приготовить его (блюдо)?
How long will it take? – Сколь времени на это потребуется?
What is the specialty of the house? – Какое у вас фирменное блюдо?
In the CafeMenu, please! – Меню, пожалуйста!Do you serve vegetarian food? – У вас подают вегетарианскую пищу?May

Слайд 8
It’s polite to bring some chocolate and flowers when you’re visiting


You are invited by one of the British friends to their place for dinner.

It’s polite to bring some chocolate and flowers when you’re visiting somebody.You are invited by one of

Слайд 9When you leave your friend’s place where you stay for some

days, you should make a small present to the parents.

When you visit somebody’s house you should always say: What a nice flat you have! What a nice house you have!

When you leave your friend’s place where you stay for some days, you should make a small

Слайд 10
- Would you like a cup of tea?
- Help yourself to

biscuits, please.

- Thank you.
- Yes, please.

- Would you like a cup of tea?- Help yourself to biscuits, please.-Sugar?- Thank you.- Yes, please.

Слайд 11 
-Would you like a cup of tea?
-Yes, certainly.
-Here you are.
-No, thank

you. Can I have another cup of tea?
-Could you pass me the butter, please?
 -Would you like a cup of tea?-Yes, certainly.-Here you are.-No, thank you. Can I have another cup

Слайд 12The Englishman keeps the knife in his right hand, the fork

in the left.
The Englishman keeps the knife in his right hand, the fork in the left.

Слайд 13When he finishes his meal, he puts the knife and the

fork like this.
When he finishes his meal, he puts the knife and the fork like this.

Слайд 14It is not polite to take the biggest piece.
Leave the biggest

piece for someone else, because others like the dish too.
It is not polite to take the biggest piece.Leave the biggest piece for someone else, because others

Слайд 15Don’t put your elbows
on the table.

Don’t put your elbows on the table.

Слайд 16Put the napkin on your lap.

Put the napkin on your lap.

Слайд 17It is not polite to leave the table during the meal.

It is not polite to leave the table during the meal.

Слайд 18Cut your meat into small pieces, one piece at a time.

Cut your meat into small pieces, one piece at a time.

Слайд 19It is not polite to leave a spoon in a tea

Put your spoon on the saucer.
It is not polite to leave a spoon in a tea cup. Put your spoon on the

Слайд 20Don’t eat from your knife.

Don’t eat from your knife.

Слайд 21Don’t talk with your mouth full.

Don’t talk with your mouth full.

Слайд 22Never read or work while eating.

Never read or work while eating.

Слайд 23Take a slice of bread from the bread plate with your

hand. Don’t take your bread with a fork.
Take a slice of bread from the bread plate with your hand. Don’t take your bread with

Слайд 24It is polite to finish everything on your plate and

take more if you want it.
It is polite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it.

Слайд 25If you’re visiting a family, you should offer to help clear

the table and wash up the dishes after a meal.
If you’re visiting a family, you should offer to help clear the table and wash up the

Слайд 26Bon Appetit!

Bon Appetit!

Слайд 27Enjoy your meal!

Enjoy your meal!

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