Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Друг познаётся в беде

Word Bank. food put on warm clothes carrot with best wishes еда надевать теплая одежда морковь с наилучшими пожеланиями

Слайд 1A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed.

ПОДГОТОВИЛА: учитель английского

языка МАОУ СОШ 14 ст-цы Родниковская Курганинского района Краснодарского края
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A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed. ПОДГОТОВИЛА: учитель английского языка МАОУ СОШ 14 ст-цы Родниковская

Слайд 2Word Bank.
put on
warm clothes

with best wishes

теплая одежда
с наилучшими пожеланиями

Word Bank.  food  put on  warm clothes  carrot with best wishes

Слайд 3Irregular verbs.

Irregular verbs.

Слайд 4Brother Rabbit didn’t have any food to eat.

Brother Rabbit didn’t have any food to eat.

Слайд 5 He put on his warm clothes and ran to the field.

He put on his warm clothes and ran to the field.

Слайд 6 There he saw four carrots.

There he saw four carrots.

Слайд 7He picked up the carrots and brought them home.

He picked up the carrots and brought them home.

Слайд 8He ate only two of them.

He ate only two of them.

Слайд 9He wanted to give the other two

He wanted to give the other two

Слайд 10to Brother Goat.

to Brother Goat.

Слайд 11Brother Rabbit
took the two carrots to Brother Goat’s house.
Brother Goat was

not at home.

Brother Rabbittook the two carrots to Brother Goat’s house.Brother Goat was not at home.

Слайд 12Brother Rabbit put the carrots on the table and went away.

Brother Rabbit put the carrots on the table and went away.

Слайд 13Brother Goat saw the carrots on the table and thought:
“Oh, what

good friends I have! I should be a good friend too!”
Brother Goat saw the carrots on the table and thought:“Oh, what good friends I have! I should

Слайд 14It’s winter now.

It’s winter now.

Слайд 15Brother Rabbit has not got any food to eat.

Brother Rabbit has not got any food to eat.

Слайд 16I must help him.

I must help him.

Слайд 17So he ate one carrot,

So he ate one carrot,

Слайд 18took the other one

took the other one

Слайд 19and ran to Brother Rabbit’s house.

and ran to Brother Rabbit’s house.

Слайд 20Brother Goat came into Brother Rabbit’s house,

Brother Goat came into Brother Rabbit’s house,

Слайд 21put the carrot on the table

put the carrot on the table

Слайд 22and wrote a short note:
Dear Brother Rabbit!
This carrot is for

With best wishes from
Brother Goat.
and wrote a short note: Dear Brother Rabbit!This carrot is for you.With best wishes fromBrother Goat.

Слайд 23So Brother Rabbit and Brother Goat were true friends!

So Brother Rabbit and Brother Goat were true friends!

Слайд 24источник картинок yandex.images.ru microsoft. images

источник картинок yandex.images.ru microsoft. imagesTHANK YOU FOR ATTENTION!

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