Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Дорога в космос. Выдающиеся люди

Yuri Gagarin’s name, the name of the first cosmonaut is known to everybody

Слайд 1ГБОУ СОШ пос. Черновский м.р. Волжский Самарской области Николаенко Н.Е, учитель

английского языка THE ROAD INTO SPACE
ГБОУ СОШ пос. Черновский м.р. Волжский Самарской области  Николаенко Н.Е, учитель английского языка   THE

Слайд 2Yuri Gagarin’s name,
the name of the first
cosmonaut is known

to everybody
Yuri Gagarin’s name, the name of the first cosmonaut is known to everybody

Слайд 3Gagarin was born in the village of Klushino
in Smolensk region

on March 9, 1934
Gagarin was born in the village of Klushino in Smolensk region on March 9, 1934

Слайд 4Yuri Gagarin was born into the family of a collective farmer

Yuri Gagarin was born into the family of a collective farmer

Слайд 5Gagarin’s family was a happy one. He had got a wife

and two daughters.
Gagarin’s family was a happy one. He had got a wife and two daughters.

Слайд 6In 1951 he finished a vocational school in the town of

Lyubertsy, and at the same time he finished an evening school.
In 1951 he finished a vocational school in the town of Lyubertsy, and at the same time

Слайд 7Yuri Gagarin began to fly while he was a student of

a technical secondary school in Saratov. He was a member of an aeroclub
Yuri Gagarin began to fly while he was a student of a technical secondary school in Saratov.

Слайд 8In 1955 he entered a flying school. Two years later he

became a pilot and soon he joined the first group of Soviet cosmonauts. Gagarin trained with pleasure.
In 1955 he entered a flying school. Two years later he became a pilot and soon he

Слайд 9On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the

first time in history. He spent 108 minutes there.
On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin flew into space for the first time in history. He spent

Слайд 10Gagarin flew into space in his spaceship “Vostok” from the space

station Baikanur.
Gagarin flew into space in his spaceship “Vostok” from the space station Baikanur.

Слайд 11The spaceship “ Vostok “ was made by the designer S.P.

Korolyov, by many scientists, engineers and workers.
The spaceship “ Vostok “ was made by the designer S.P. Korolyov, by many scientists, engineers and

Слайд 12Yuri Gagarin was the first man who saw our Earth from

space. He saw seas, rivers, mountains, forests, сities. He said: «Our planet is very beautiful!» He dreamed to fly into the Venus and into the Mars .
Yuri Gagarin was the first man who saw our Earth from space. He saw seas, rivers, mountains,

Слайд 13The scientific ship has the name of Gagarin
The town of

Gzhatsk has the name of Yuri Gagarin
The scientific ship has the name of Gagarin The town of Gzhatsk has the name of Yuri

Слайд 14On April 10, 2011, there was the action “Samara-Kosmos-50” in our

town. This event took place on Kuibyshev Square, the largest square in Europe.

On April 10, 2011, there was the action “Samara-Kosmos-50” in our town. This event took place on

Слайд 153000 students took part in this unique event.

3000 students took part in this unique event.

Слайд 16Yuri Gagarin’s memorial plate was opened by his daughter Galina and

Yuri Gagarin’s memorial plate was opened by his daughter Galina and Artyakov

Слайд 17Gagarin’s life and work are
a great example
to all people.

We are proud of him
Gagarin’s life and work are a great example to all people. We are proud of him

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