Презентация, доклад по английскому языку Does weather affect our health

The aim: а) Learning about weather                b) Presentation of weather forecast.                с) Focus on grammar ”word building”.І.  Organization moment:ІІ. Check – up.III. To Learn the new wordsIV. Practice.V. Feedback.VI. Home work .VII. Marking – up.

Слайд 1 Does weather affect our health?

Does weather  affect our health?

Слайд 2The aim: а) Learning about weather
                b) Presentation of weather forecast.

с) Focus on grammar ”word building”.
І.  Organization moment:
ІІ. Check – up.
III. To Learn the new words
IV. Practice.
V. Feedback.
VI. Home work .
VII. Marking – up.
The aim: а) Learning about weather                b) Presentation of weather forecast.                с) Focus on grammar ”word building”.І.  Organization

Слайд 3 New words

шуақты, күн шуақ
Rainy- жаңбырлы
Windy- желді
Snowy- қарлы, қар басқан
Cloudy- бұлтты
Foggy- тұманды
New wordsSunny- шуақты, күн шуақRainy- жаңбырлыWindy- желдіSnowy- қарлы,

Слайд 10

Exercise 4.p 92. Complete the sentences with suitable activities.
What can

people do in different weather?
What can people do in all seasons?

Skate Run Swim Ski Play football Snowboard

Play tennis go for a walk Play volleyball

When the weather is hot, people can … …
When the weather is warm, people can … …
When the weather is cold, people can … …

Exercise 4.p 92. Complete the sentences with suitable activities. What can people do in different weather?What can

Слайд 11Exercise 5.p 92. Talk to your partner. Use the adjectives in

the box.

Sad Happy Depressed Tired Miserable Cheerful

Does the weather affect our health?
How do people feel in good weather?
How do people feel in bad weather?

Exercise 5.p 92. Talk to your partner. Use the adjectives in the box.  Sad

Слайд 12Exercise 6.p 93. Student B. Look at the information on page




S – sunny C – cloudy Fg -- foggy
R – rainy Sn -- snowy

Exercise 6.p 93. Student B. Look at the information on page 145.                   

Слайд 14Exercise 7.p 93. Talk to your partner.

Exercise 7.p 93. Talk to your partner.

Слайд 15Exercise 8.p 94. Think about the weather in your place and

put a tick (˅) next to the sentences you agree with. Compare your answers in groups.

1. It’s too cold in the winter.
2.The weather is very changeable .
3.It’s too windy.
4. There’s too much fog in the winter.
5. It’s too hot in the summer.
6. There isn’t enough snow in the winter.
7. There’s isn’t enough rain in the summer.
8. It isn’t hot enough in the summer.
Exercise 8.p 94. Think about the weather in your place and put a tick (˅) next to

Слайд 16

Home work:
Exercise 11. 95. Complete the sentences with one of

the words from exercise
10 B.

To write about Kazakhstan’s weather.
Home work: Exercise 11. 95. Complete the sentences with one of the words from exercise 10 B.

Слайд 17 Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

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