Презентация, доклад по английскому языку для проведения диктантов на уровне слов, словосочетаний, предложений и текста

Упражнения на уровне слова1. Read the couple of the words. Define the antonyms or synonyms. For example: start – finish = antonyms.accustomed – routine artificial – genuine bleach – lighten buy – purchase deluxe – superior detest – respect duck –

Слайд 1Задания для проведения диктантов на уровне слов, словосочетаний, предложений, текста

Задания для проведения диктантов на уровне слов, словосочетаний, предложений, текста

Слайд 2Упражнения на уровне слова
1. Read the couple of the words. Define

the antonyms or synonyms. For example: start – finish = antonyms.
accustomed – routine 
artificial – genuine 
bleach – lighten 
buy – purchase 
deluxe – superior 
detest – respect 
duck – avoid 
extinct – current 
fable – yarn 
hazy – clear 

Упражнения на уровне слова1. Read the couple of the words. Define the antonyms or synonyms.  For

Слайд 32. Form new words with next base


2. Form new words with next baseActOrderAbleAirBallEveryDaySun

Слайд 4Упражнения на уровне словосочетания
1. Find the couple to get idioms

Упражнения на уровне словосочетания1. Find the couple to get idioms

Слайд 52.Find a few adjectives to next words
Weather, girl, day, table, mood,


3. Find out the word-combination to next words
Have, get, out, think, lets, go.
2.Find a few adjectives to next wordsWeather, girl, day, table, mood, room.3. Find out the word-combination to

Слайд 6Упражнения на уровне предложений
1. Answer the questions
-  where you would like

to go and why;
-  what country (city) you would visit and why;
-  what way of travelling you would choose;
-  what leisure activities you would perform.
2. Put the questions to marked words
I have a ten-year-old daughter, whose name is Leah, and all along in relationship to the project, we have what we call the "Leah Factor". Which is "Yes, we all need to enjoy it, but Leah also needs to enjoy it." I also say Leah needs to enjoy it, but so does her 45-year-old dad, who paid for the ticket. And that is what I mean about intelligent design — in other words, the design has to support the project, the script and the fabulous music we have. It also has to have some relationship to the movie, so that when Leah comes to see it, she remembers from the movie that the Beast was in that blue jacket. Leah expects that blue jacket, and if you don't give it to her, she and a lot of other ten-year-olds are going to be sad. So, we tried to keep the "Leah Factor" in mind. 
Упражнения на уровне предложений1. Answer the questions-  where you would like to go and why;-  what country

Слайд 7Упражнения на уровне текста
1. Write the story with next words
Weather, mountain,

bus, lake, car, open, nature.

2. Give the description

Упражнения на уровне текста1. Write the story with next wordsWeather, mountain, bus, lake, car, open, nature.2. Give

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