Презентация, доклад по английскому языку для 8 класса Экология


Адамович Алла Алексеевна-учитель иностранных языков

ECOLOGYАдамович Алла Алексеевна-учитель иностранных языковМБОУ « БСОШ №2»

Слайд 2 ecology


Слайд 3Keep your country tidy!

Keep your country tidy!

Слайд 4Keep off the grass!

Keep off the grass!

Слайд 5Put your litter in the bin!

Put your litter in the bin!

Слайд 6Keep dogs under control!

Keep dogs under control!

Слайд 7Recycle!


Слайд 8
Respect the life and work of the countryside!

Respect the life and work of the countryside!

Слайд 9Protect nature!

Protect nature!

Слайд 10Don't destroy wildlife!

Don't destroy wildlife!

Слайд 11Don't disturb wild animals!

Don't disturb wild animals!

Слайд 12
Don't spoil environment!

Don't spoil environment!

Слайд 13Protect wildlife, plants and trees!

Protect wildlife, plants and trees!

Слайд 14Do not spoil the gardens – do not leave litter!

Do not spoil the gardens – do not leave litter!

Слайд 15
Help to keep all water clean!

Help to keep all water clean!

Слайд 16Do not damage the banks of the river!

Do not damage the banks of the river!

Слайд 17Do not take flowers and plants!

Do not take flowers and plants!

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